Unearthing history A remarkable discovery in Egypt as an ancient mummy with a golden tongue surfaces shedding new light on the past.
Ancient mummy with golden tongue found in Egypt Archaeologists have discovered 16 burials at an ancient Egyptian site in the Taposiris Magna. The mummies were found to…
Unbelievable discovery A jawdropping fossil find unveils a dinosaur sitting on an entire clutch of eggs rewriting history as we know it.
Jaw-Dropping Fossil Find Contains a Dinosaur Sitting on an Entire Clutch of Eggs The fossil in question is that of an oviraptorosaur, a group of bird-like theropod…
Unearthing history one hop at a time Rabbits on a Welsh island discover ancient artifacts dating back 9000 years. A tail of archaeological wonder.
Rabbits Uncover 9,000-Year-old Artifacts on a Welsh island A group of rabbits inadvertently uncovered a hoard of 9,000-year-old Stone and Bronze Age artefacts hidden on the small…
Uncovering history A 14000yearold ice age village has been found predating the pyramids by 10000 years. Incredible revelations
14,000-year-old ice age village discovered is 10,000 years older than the pyramids In their oral history, the Heiltsuk people describe how the area around Triquet Island, on…
Unveiling ancient mysteries A 12500yearold sphinx has been uncovered in Pakistan shedding light on the regions fascinating history.
A 12,500-year-old sphinx discovered in Pakistan The Balochistan Sphinx, or the Lion of Balochistan, is a rare shape in modern-day Pakistan. The oddly-shaped building, which is located…
Did you know Blueeyed humans all share a single common ancestor. Our diverse traits are rooted in our shared history.
Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor People with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor, according to new research. A team of scientists has tracked down…
Talk about a rare find This Northern California couple stumbled upon 10 million worth of 1800s San Francisco Mint coins. What a discovery
A Northern California couple found $10 million worth of rare coins dating back to the 1800’s San Francisco Mint Coin A box with rare gold coins discovered…
Unearthed The worlds largest fossilized human turd has been discovered A remarkable find shedding light on our ancient ancestors diets and health.
This is the largest fossilized human turd ever found Sometimes, scientists really are talking sh*t! The proof is in this fossilized excrement, which dates back to the…
Uncovering history in Londons medieval past An incredible find of a skeleton with his boots still intact has left archaeologists amazed. The mystery continues to unravel…
Archaeologists discover a medieval skeleton with his boots still on in London Archaeologists excavating a site along with the Thames Tideway Tunnel—a mᴀssive pipeline nicknamed London’s “super…
Unbelievable discovery A 400 millionyearold hammer found in Texas. History continues to amaze us with its mysteries.
400 Million Year Old Hammer discovered In Texas The London This curious artefact was found in London, Texas, USA in 1934. The hammer was embedded in the…