Exploring the mysteries of Giza Experts believe theres a hidden underground city beneath the pyramids. Unveiling ancient secrets
There is a hidden underground ‘city’ beneath the Giza Pyramids, experts claim An enormous system of caves, chambers and tunnels lies hidden beneath the Pyramids of Giza,…

Unearthing history A 290millionyearold human footprint adds to the mystery of our coexistence with dinosaurs.
More Evidence That Humans Co-Existed With Dinosaurs: The 290-Million-Year-Old Human Footprint The rock — which belongs to the Permian Period 299 to 251 million years ago —…

Journey back in time as we marvel at the incredible Limestone Wall in Bolivia home to over 10000 dinosaur footprints from 10 different species Uncover the mysteries of ancient life and embrace the aweinspiring wonders of nature.
Limestone Wall In Bolivia Has Over 10,000 Dinosaur Footprints Belonging To 10 Different Species Cal Orcko is a small town that is situated three miles south of…

Unearthing ancient wonders A 30000yearold baby mammoth was discovered in Canadian gold fields. The past comes to life once more.
Mummified remains of a 30,000-year-old baby mammoth found in Canadian gold fields A gold miner found a mummified baby woolly mammoth in the Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin Traditional Territory…

Uncovering history This Neolithic figurine dating back over 7000 years was discovered at Turkeys atalhyk. What a fascinating find
Neolithic figurine, over 7,000 years old, unearthed at Turkey’s Çatalhöyük An 8,000-year-old statuette of what could be a fertility goddess has been unearthed at a Neolithic site…

Unearthing history archaeologists have discovered the tomb of Genghis Khan offering a glimpse into one of historys most enigmatic figures.
Archaeologists Unearth Tomb Of Genghis Khan Construction workers employed in road building near the Onon River in the Khentii province of Mongolia, have discovered a mᴀss ԍʀᴀvᴇ containing…

Fascinating discovery Scientists have found remains of Hobbit humans in Indonesia who stood only 3ft tall and lived 700000 years ago. Mindblowing
Scientists discover remains of Hobbit humans that stood only 3ft high and lived 700,000 years ago in Indonesia SCIENTISTS have discovered the fossils of a “hobbit” that…

Unearthed treasures and ancient mysteries unfold as the 4400yrold tomb of an Egyptian high priest has been discovered untouched and unlooted.
Untouched and Unlooted 4,400-yr-old Tomb of Egyptian High Priest Discovered Archaeologists in Egypt have made a new tomb discovery — the final resting place of a high…

Unearthing history in the heart of London An ancient Roman sarcophagus has been discovered at a building site shedding light on the citys rich past.
Ancient roman sarcophagus found at London building site An ancient Roman sarcophagus has been excavated from a building site in central London. The 1,600-year-old coffin found near…

Unearthing history Archaeologists stumbled upon a 3300yearold bird claw in an ancient cave. The past never stops surprising us.
A 3,300-Year-Old Bird Claw Was Discovered By Archaeologists While Digging In A Cave Preserved Megalapteryx (moa) foot, Natural History Museum. Nearly three decades ago, a team of…