Archaeological discovery in Israel reveals the coexistence of Christian and Muslim symbols aboard a 7thcentury shipwreck shedding light on ancient cultural diversity and peaceful cohabitation. A truly fascinating testament to our shared history.
Christian, Muslim symbols were found in a 7th-century shipwreck in Israel About 1,300 years ago, a 25-meter-long ship sank just a few dozen meters from the coast…

Uncovering ancient marvels in Siberias Valley of the Kings Archaeologists bring to light treasures dating back 2500 years. What a find
Valley of the Kings archaeologists unearth treasures in Siberia dating back 2,500 years Archaeologists have discovered a large burial mound in the Siberian “Valley of the Kings”…

Unearthing secrets of ancient Egypt Researchers use scents to unlock the mysteries of Egyptian vessels shedding light on their contents. Join us as we delve into these historical findings
Scents Help Researchers Identify Contents of Egyptian Vessels More than 3,400 years after two ancient Egyptians were laid to rest, the jars of food left to nourish…

Unearthed treasures from the deep Excavation of Byzantine shipwreck in Aegean unveils stunning 5thcentury ceramics. A fascinating glimpse into history.
Excavation of Byzantine shipwreck in Aegean reveals 5th-century ceramics Excavations of a Byzantine shipwreck off the coast of the Greek island Samos have revealed that the ship…

Join me on a journey through time as we uncover the remarkable stories of prehistoric skeletons with a trailblazing archaeologist.
The Trailblazing Archaeologist Uncovering the Untold Stories of Prehistoric Skeletons Archaeology has always fascinated Efthymia Nikita. She was drawn to the mystery and joy of uncovering the…

Unearthed from the ashes a 14thcentury sarcophagus at Notre Dame reveals history buried and preserved through the ages.
14th-century sarcophagus found at fire-ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral The discovery was made as maintenance crews were preparing to install scaffolding before restoring the spire of the 800-year-old…

Discovery of a lifetime Ernest Shackletons lost shipwreck found after 100 years A monumental moment in maritime history.
Ernest Shackleton’s Lost Shipwreck Found After 100 Years A team of researchers from the Falkland Islands Maritime Heritage Foundation announced the discovery of the Endurance, the search…

Unearthed a piece of history A French farmer stumbled upon a rare coin featuring Charlemagne adding an intriguing chapter to the past.
French farmer finds rare coin featuring Charlemagne just before his death A rare 1,200-year-old silver coin featuring Charlemagne — one of the only known portraits made of…

Uncovering the mysteries of Italys ancient Etruscan civilization with the discovery of underground pyramids. A fascinating glimpse into history
Ancient, underground Etruscan pyramids spotted in Italy The first-ever Etruscan pyramids have been located underneath a wine cellar in the city of Orvieto in central Italy, according…

Uncovering the mysteries of history A remarkable ancient kingdom unearthed beneath a mound in Iraq. The past never ceases to amaze
The ancient Kingdom Discovered Beneath Mound in Iraq In the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, archaeologists have discovered an ancient city called Idu, hidden beneath a mound….