Uncovering historys mysteries Archaeologists uncover a stunning death mask in a Mexican temple shedding light on ancient cultures.
Archaeologists stunned by ancient ‘death mask’ found in Mexican temple Palenque is set amid lush forest and dense foliage in a slice of southern Mexico. It is…

Unearthing the unknown A mysterious alien skull discovered in Olstykke sparking questions about extraterrestrial existence.
Mysterious Alien Sealand skull found in Olstykke: Remains Of An Extraterrestrial The Mysterious alien Sealand skull is one of the most controversial skulls ever excavated and has…

Unveiling Londons history archaeologists have unearthed the largest Roman mosaic in 50 years shedding new light on the citys ancient past.
London’s largest Roman mosaic in 50 years discovered by archaeologists In the shadow of the iconic Shard in London, archaeologists have come across an echo of the…

Unearthed treasures Wellpreserved fossils hint at the impact of ancient climate shifts on Earths history.
Well-preserved fossils could be consequence of past global climate change A fossil of a crustacean claw exoskeleton from the Posidonia Shale in Germany. Climate change can affect…

Unearthing history A rare find of an Ancient Coast Salish war club in a Vancouver Island backyard sheds light on the regions rich indigenous heritage.
Ancient Coast Salish war club discovered in Vancouver Island man’s backyard Mark Lake found a little piece of history in his backyard while cleaning up after a…

Uncovering the history of our land. A carved stone pillar found on a B.C. beach has been identified as an Indigenous artifact shedding light on the rich cultural heritage of this region. Its important to recognize and honor the connections to the past that these artifacts represent.
Carved stone pillar found on B.C. beach identified as an Indigenous artifact A carved stone pillar found at low tide on a beach in Victoria last summer…

Unraveling the mystery of the Lapedo Child Could it be a Neanderthalhuman hybrid The fascinating story continues to intrigue scientists and historians.
The Mysterious Lapedo Child — A Neanderthal / Human Hybrid? A great mystery was unburied in 1998, in the bed of a rock shelter in the Lapedo…

Delve into the history of tuberculosis and its transmission in South America. Learn about its impact on the regions population.
How Was Tuberculosis Transmitted in South America? Nearly one-quarter of the world’s population is suspected to have been exposed to the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis, a disease…

Unearthing ancient history Archaeologists have discovered stone tools that date back 8000 years on Irans GavBast Mountain.
8,000 years old Stone Tools Found on Iran’s Gav-Bast Mountain Archaeologists have found arrays of stone tools and relics on top of Gav-Bast Mountain, which is situated…

Uncovering history beneath the waves An ancient hunting bow from 460 years ago found in Alaskas Lake Clark National Park. Amazing discovery
460-Year-Old Hunting Bow Discovered Underwater in Alaska’s Lake Clark National Park National Park Service employees made an unlikely discovery in the backcountry of Lake Clark National Park…