Can Baboons Solve The Ancient Mystery Of Punt?

Jan Bartek – – In ancient Egypt, various deities were portrayed as animals. Thoth, the god of learning and wisdom was represented by a hamadryas baboon. Baboons, probably held in captivity in Egypt, were mummified as votive offerings after their deaths. Today, no wild baboons live in Egypt, and there is no evidence to […]

3D Scan Will Uncover Secrets Of The Magnificent Vindelev Gold Treasure

Jan Bartek – – The Vindelev gold treasure is of great historical importance. Discovered in a field in Jelling, Denmark, the remarkable treasure has re-written ancient history. When scientists studied the beautiful artifacts that are part of the treasure, they discovered the world’s oldest runic inscription of God Odin on ancient gold pendants. There […]

Unknown Ancient World Discovered Beneath East Antarctic Ice Sheet

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Scientists used satellite data and radio-echo-sounding techniques to map a 32,000 km2 area of land underneath the vast ice sheet. They discovered a landscape that appears to have been formed by rivers at least 14 million years ago and possibly even before the initial growth of the East Antarctic […]

Thor’s Hammer Pendant Found In Norfolk May Be Linked To The Great Heathen Army

Ellen Lloyd – – When the Great Heathen Army, also known as the Great Viking Army, crossed the sea in the year 865 A.D., a new chapter was opened in the history of Britain. Suddenly, East Anglia was invaded by a large number of fierce Norse warriors led by Ragnar Lothbrok’s sons, Ivar Ragnarsson […]

Brooklyn Papyrus Reveals Ancient Egypt Had Far More Venomous Snakes Than The Country Today – How much can the written records of ancient civilizations tell us about the animals they lived alongside? Published in Environmental Archaeology, Our latest research, based on the venomous snakes described in an ancient Egyptian papyrus, suggests more than you might think. A much more diverse range of snakes than we’d imagined lived in the land […]

Ancient Roman Shipwreck Marausa 2 With Intact Cargo Recovered Off The Coast Of Sicily

Jan Bartek – – A historical shipwreck has been successfully recovered from the seabed off the coast of Misiliscemi in the Trapani area, Sicily. The 11-meter-long Roman commercial transport ship was discovered in July 2020 after a diver reported the presence of amphora fragments and wooden remains just 100 meters from the shore. After […]

A Tooth That Rewrites History? The Discovery Challenging What We Knew About Neanderthals – For generations, Neanderthals have been a source of fascination for scientists. This species of ancient hominim inhabited the world for around 500,000 years until they suddenly disappeared around 40,000 years ago. Today, the cause of their extinction remains a mystery. Credit: Adobe Stock – iridescentstreet Archaeologist Ludovic Slimak and his team have spent […]

Drought Reveals 2,000-Year-Old Rock Carvings In Brazil’s Amazon

Jan Bartek – – Remarkable ancient engravings that have been submerged for a long time are now visible again at a site known as Praia das Lajes in Brazil. The rock carvings are not usually visible because they are covered by the waters of the Negro River, whose flow recorded its lowest level in […]

170-Million-Year-Old Sea Monster Identified As The Oldest Mega-Predatory Pliosaur

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – The fossils of a 170-million-year-old ancient marine reptile from the Age of Dinosaurs have been identified as the oldest-known mega-predatory pliosaur – a group of ocean-dwelling reptiles closely related to the famous long-necked plesiosaurs. The findings are rare and add new knowledge to the evolution of plesiosaurs. The oldest […]

Well-Preserved 7,300-Year-Old Wooden Cabins Discovered In La Draga

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists excavating at La Draga de Banyoles, an Early Neolithic lakeshore site in Spain, have uncovered well-preserved 7,300-year-old wooden cabins. The ancient structures are in excellent condition and make it possible to gain knowledge about farming communities that settled in L’Estany at the beginning of the Neolithic, about 7,200 years […]