King Geirrod Betrayed His Brother Agnar And Sent Him To Die But Justice Finally Prevailed
A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – The dispute between Odin and Frigg has been provoked by their relationship with Geirrod (Geirröd) and Agnar, who were sons of King Hrauding of the Goths. Hrauding was a human king and the proud father of Geirrod and Agnar. His story is beautifully narrated in the poem Grímnismál from the Poetic […]

Legend Of Milky Way’s Celestial Portal And The Star City From The Bowuzhi By Zhang Hua
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – The beautiful legend of the Milky Way’s celestial portal is one of many fascinating old stories found in the book Bowuzhi, written by Zhang Hua (232-300 C.E.), a Chinese poet and politician of the Western Jin dynasty. The intriguing book Bowuzhi is an anthology of short narratives compiled in an […]

Underwater Drone Images Reveal Oldest Human-Made Structure In The Baltic Sea
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – While conducting a mineral survey on the Baltic Sea floor, scientists stumbled upon an unanticipated discovery that provided evidence of early European hunting techniques. Their acoustic imaging technology unveiled a submerged stone wall that extended nearly a kilometer in length. Further exploration using underwater drones revealed that this wall was […]

Oldest Bead In America Discovered At La Prele Mammoth Site, Wyoming
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The oldest known bead in the Americas has been unearthed at the La Prele Mammoth site, located in Converse County, Wyoming. According to archaeologists, this tube-shaped bead, crafted from bone, is approximately 12,940 years old. An aerial view of the La Prele Mammoth site in Wyoming’s Converse County. Credit: Todd […]

Amazing Archaeological Discovery In A Secret Underground Structure In Transylvania Could Rewrite Ancient History
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Transylvania is a region that perfectly blends beauty with mystery. In one of our earlier articles, we wrote about the intriguing and unexplained phenomena that have occurred there for an indefinite period. This time, our journey takes us to a previously uncharted region of Transylvania, where an extraordinary archaeological discovery […]

Why Was The Pineapple A Status Symbol Once?
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – In modern times, pineapple is a common fruit easily found in any grocery store. However, did you know that this tropical fruit was once regarded as a symbol of wealth and status? Centuries ago, possessing a pineapple indicated affluence due to its rarity. The pineapple, cultivated for centuries, is originally […]

European Bronze Age Treasure Of Villenna Has Artifacts Made Of Meteoric Iron
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The beautiful Treasure of Villenna was discovered in 1963 by archaeologist José María Soler in the sands of a dry riverbed in Villena, in the province of Alicante, Spain. Identified as the most significant discovery of gold from the European Bronze Age, this 3,000-year-old treasure consists of 59 items crafted […]

Sami God Horagalles Who Ruled Over Rain, Fire And Thunder Hated Evil Spirits
A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – According to the old Sami beliefs, divine enтιтies and energies are omnipresent in our natural surroundings as well as within our homes. In the past, it was a daily practice among the Sami people to make offerings to these spiritual forces. Sami Shaman. Credit: Adobe Stock – Erica Guilane-Nachez However, […]

Sailor’s Strange Discovery Of An Unknown Ancient Underground World At The North Pole
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Isn’t it fascinating to consider the possibility of countless ancient underground worlds yet to be discovered beneath our feet? Our understanding of these ancient subterranean realms remains limited. Archaeologists keep discovering enigmatic ancient caves once home to long-lost civilizations and astonishingly vast prehistoric underground cities. Our past still holds many […]

Ancient Romans Used The Poisonous Black Henbane Plant As Hallucinogenic Medicine
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – In ancient times, the black henbane plant was as fascinating as feared. Ancient physicians knew that when administered in appropriate quanтιтies, this toxic flora served as a gentle narcotic, possessing the ability to alleviate pain. However, ingesting too much of it could result in madness. “It makes people crazy and generates […]