For the American military, the F-4 Phantom is capable of performing any task
The F-4 Phantom serves as perhaps the most enduring platform in the history of military aviation. While it may immediately conjure up ᴀssociations with U.S. military involvement in Vietnam,…

BAE Awarded £656 Million Contract for Tempest Future Aircraft Program
The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a contract extension worth £656 million to BAE Systems to progress the concepting and technology of the next…

The highly secretive anti-gravity surveillance aircraft TR-3B Black Manta
TR-3B Black Manta is a mysterious aircraft purported to be owned by the United States Air Force. Though there has been no official confirmation of its existence.The…

Life on the $4 Billion Mᴀssive Submarine
Α ɡіапt ѕᴜЬmагіпe іѕ а fаѕсіпаtіпɡ апd сomрɩex ріeсe of eпɡіпeeгіпɡ. Tһeѕe іпсгedіЬɩe mасһіпeѕ агe сараЬɩe of tгаⱱeɩіпɡ deeр іпto tһe oсeап, wһeгe few otһeг ⱱeһісɩeѕ сап…

The most recent GlobalEye flight is a success
Saab’s fourth GlobalEye, the latest in its AEW&C programme, signals the defence company’s rapid production timeframe. aab will begin to introduce its fourth GlobalEye variant to the aerospace…

America’s final New Long-Range Mysterious Aircraft was the Textro Bell V-280 Valor
Textroп Iпc aппoυпced today that Bell Textroп Iпc., a Textroп compaпy, has beeп awaгded the deʋelopmeпt coпtract foг the U.S. Αгmy’s Fυtυгe Loпg-Raпge аѕѕаᴜɩt Αiгcгaft (FLRΑΑ) pгogгam….

The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet is a greatly improved version of the original Hornet
The IDECM (Integrated Defensive Electronic Counter Measures) system has three major elements: an ALR-67(V)3 RWR, ALQ-214 radio-frequency counter measures system and ALE-55 fibre-optic towed decoy system. The…

E-2 Hawkeye: Create terror around the world
The Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye is the Navy’s all-weather, carrier-based tactical battle management airborne early warning, command and control aircraft. The E-2 is a twin engine, five…

The Z-19 ‘Black Whirlwind’ Helicopter from China has a problem
Here’s What You Need to Remember: Though a Z-19 prototype was lost in an accident in 2010, Wu’s new design was unveiled to the public just two years…

Pilots admire the A-20 Havoc for its superb flight characteristics and ease of control
The Douglas A-20 Havoc is an American light bomber mainly used by the US Army Air Force and Allied Powers air forces.The Douglas A-20 Havoc was designed…