It’s Official: NASA Is Sending a Mission to тιтan, a Top Candidate For Alien Life

тιтan, Saturn’s moon, is a prime target in the hunt for extraterrestrial life, and NASA plans to put a flying robot there as part of its newest…

NASA Admits To Discovering ‘Something Weird’ Happening To Our Universe

According to NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has hit a new milestone in its efforts to determine how rapidly the universe is expanding, and it strongly suggests…

This is Valles Mariпeris aпd it is oпe of the largest caпyoпs iп the Solar System

This is Valles Marieris, and it is one of the Solar System’s largest cayos. It’s deeper than the Grand Cayo, and its length encircles the United States…

An Object of Astronomical Proportions Just Started Punching Holes in Our Galaxy And Scientist Don’t Know What It Is

There is a “dark object” in our galaxy that is creating gigantic holes.  It is invisible, and it may not be composed of conventional matter. It may…

Scientists Find ‘Evidence’ of Another Universe Before Our Own

Scientists find proof of previous universes in the night sky, namely the leftovers of black holes from a previous universe. According to New Scientist, the concept is…

An ‘intensely spectacular’ meteor shower is coming tonight. Here’s how to watch

A spectacular meteor shower is expected to light up the night sky tonight, so keep an eye to the sky. According to experts, it is a spectacle…

Turns Out Dinosaurs Beat us To The Moon And There Are Dinosaur Remains On The Moon

So buckle up because this is a strange one. People are now learning what astrophysicists and (possibly) astronauts have known for a very long time:  There are…

Objects We Thought Were Black Holes Are Actually Wormholes, Scientists Say

Black holes, which are wormholes that hypothetically connect one region of the universe to another, may be hidden in plain sight, according to a group of physicists…

NASA Caught The Sun Smiling Down On Us While Sending Solar Storm Towards Earth

This week, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) caught an ultraviolet picture of the sun with three black spots that resemble a smiling face; this face may be…

Something Just Left A Galaxy Travelling At Five Times the Speed of Light And Hubble Caught It

Something came out of galaxy M87 moving faster than the speed of light. Or at least that’s what it looked like. Indeed, the Hubble Space Telescope has…