NASA’s Future Spaceships Will Travel At 1 Million Miles Per Hour

Two highly promising concepts are being funded by the NASA Insтιтute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC). In terms of ISP and power levels, the new ion drives could…

Scientist Finds “Evidence” of Another Universe Before This One

Studies suggest that before our universe, another, previous cosmos existed. They refer to this process as a kind of perpetual cosmic cycle. “The next universe will be…

NASA Finds Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg In Antarctica As If It Was Deliberately Cut

Sometimes you see an image that’s pretty hard to believe it is not a poor attempt at PH๏τoshop.  This is one of those images. On Twitter, NASA’s ICE…

A Mission To Alpha Centauri Within A Human Lifetime Has Just Become A Reality

It will take thousands of years for humanity’s fastest spacecraft to reach even the nearest stars. The Breakthrough Initiatives have been exploring the possibility of reducing this to decades,…

Astronomers Discover The Largest Natural Diamond In The Universe And Weighs 10 Billion Trillion Trillion Carats

The largest diamond in the cosmos is not found on Earth. In reality, it is a white dwarf star called BPM 37093 or V886 Centauri. An “extinct”…

Physicists May Have Discovered ‘New Force of Nature’ in LHC Experiment

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has sparked worldwide excitement as particle physicists reported tantalizing evidence for new physics – potentially a new force of nature. Now, our…

BREAKING: New Research Reveals 68 Percent of the Universe May Not Actually Exist

According to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda-CDM) model, which is the current accepted standard for how the universe began and evolved, the ordinary matter we encounter…

The Hubble Space Telescope Just Captured A Black Hole That Gives Birth To Stars Instead Of Absorbing Them

Astronomers in charge of the Hubble Space Telescope have discovered a black hole in the heart of a dwarf galaxy that, rather than absorbing stars, generates them….

Conspiracy Theorists Claim The Large Hadron Collider Transferred Us Into A Parallel Universe In Latest Experiment

The largest particle accelerator in the world was restarted after three years of modifications and maintenance, and it quickly made its first observations of three exotic particles….

14.6 Billion Miles Away, NASA Gets Voyager 1 Talking Again — And Makes A New Discovery

NASA’S Voyager 1 is on a fraught and unknowable journey into deep space.  Some 14.6 billion miles from Earth, it and its sister craft, Voyager 2, are…