Dark Mysteries of the Cosmos: Unraveling the Secrets of an Invisible Galaxy

Elephants are intelligent animals and are quite friendly with humans, although large, they can still become food for lions.

A harrowing moment when a baby elephant has to fight about 20 lions in a battle of life and death.

The little elephant was separated from the herd and attacked by fierce lions, it constantly ran away and cried for help to its kind.

But it’s all desperation and it has to solve the problem on its own. The elephant began to rest and concentrate on the fight with the lion, it approached the water and began to fight.

Its strength was suddenly increased and the lions were gradually thrown from its body. Partly because lions are afraid of water and crocodiles, it is easy for baby elephants to win.

Difficult times come, but it is a lesson to remember for a lifetime. The elephant has learned a lesson for survival later on.


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