Flat Earther Spends $20,000 Trying To Prove Earth Is Flat And Accidently Proves It’s Round

In what may be one of the most enjoyable TV moments we canrecall, a bunch of conspiracy theorists unintentionally spent thousands ofdollars to show that, yes, the Earth is round.

A scene from Behind the Curve, a new Netflix documentarythat follows a group of Flat Earthers, a “small but rising faction of peoplewho firmly believe in a conspiracy that the Earth is flat.”

Bob Knodel is one of those Flat Earthers. He runs a YouTubechannel dedicated to the theory and is part of the team using a $20,000 lasergyroscope to prove the Earth doesn’t rotate.

However, it does.

Knodel explains:

What we found is, when we turned on that gyroscope, wefound that we were picking up a drift,” Knodel explains. “A 15-degree per hourdrift.

“Now, obviously we were taken aback by that – ‘Wow, that’skind of a problem.’

“We obviously were not willing to accept that, and so westarted looking for easy to disprove it was actually registering the motion ofthe Earth.”

What we found is, when we turned on that gyroscope, wefound that we were picking up a drift. A 15-degree per hour drift. Now,obviously we were taken aback by that – ‘Wow, that’s kind of a problem. Weobviously were not willing to accept that, and so we started looking for easyto disprove it was actually registering the motion of the Earth.”

You know what they say: If your experiment proves youwrong, just disregard the results!

“We don’t want to blow this, you know?” Knodel then says toanother Flat Earther. “When you’ve got $20,000 in this freaking gyro.

“If we dumped what we found right now, it would be bad? Itwould be bad.

“What I just told you was confidential.”

Behind the Curve is now accessible on Netflix if you wantto witness this moment – and a lot more, you can watch it below.

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