Mystery Of The East Asian Lineages In Europe 45,000 Years Ago Solved – Population Hub Out Of Africa Holds The Clues

Conny Waters – – The ancient human remains unearthed in the Bacho Kiro cave (in present-day Bulgaria) and recently genetically described were surprisingly reported to be more closely related to contemporary East Asians than contemporary Europeans. Several scenarios were proposed to account for the finding, but this puzzling result so far raised more questions than answers […]

Will The Oven Bricks Of The Tudor Warship The Mary Rose Be Preserved Before It’s Too Late?

Jan Bartek  – – On July 19, 1545, the warship Mary Rose, a favorite ship of King Henry VIII, sank during an engagement with the French fleet in Portsmouth Harbor. Seventy-three people died, including Roger Grenville, English captain of Mary Rose. Henry VIII tried to have the Mary Rose salvaged, but she remained on the Harbor […]

Major Earthquake Struck The Atacama Desert 3,800 Years Ago, Forcing Hunter-Gatherers To Move Inland

Conny Waters – – Scientists have discovered evidence that a major earthquake struck Chile’s coast about 3,800 years ago, triggering a tsunami that caused devastation along 1,000 kilometers of coastline. Based on geological and archaeological findings, researchers confirmed an ancient collision between the Nazca and South American tectonic plates produced the quake and 15-20-meter […]

Six Ancient Giant Stone Spheres Recovered From The Diquís Delta, Costa Rica

Jan Bartek – – The ancient giant stone spheres in Costa Rica in the Diquís Delta, in southern Costa Rica, are considered unique examples of the complex social, economic, and political systems of the period AD 500–1500. Varying in size from between 0.7 m and 2.57 m in diameter, the purpose of the unique […]

Uncovering history at sea A 207yearold whaling ship found in the Gulf of Mexico shedding light on a bygone era of maritime exploration.

207-year-old whaling ship discovered in the Gulf of Mexico The wreck of a 19th-century whaling ship has been identified on the sea bottom in the Gulf of…

Treasure Hunters Encounter Something Unexplained In The Arizona Mountains

Ellen Lloyd –  -Treasure hunters who visited a canyon hidden deep in Southeastern Arizona near the Mexican border say that they saw strange lights in the sky and stones falling from the heavens. Supersтιтion Mountains Arizona. Credit: Adobe Stock – jon manjeot The most intriguing thing about their story is that they encountered a […]

Discover how the ancient Greeks astounded the world by proving Earths round shape over 2000 years ago through groundbreaking scientific observations and deductions. Their legacy continues to inspire inquisitive minds

How the ancient Greeks proved Earth was round over 2,000 years ago Long before NASA was sending satellites up into space, the ancient Greeks developed a way…

Scientists Solve The Mystery Of Cicero’s Puzzling Words By Analyzing Ancient Roman Coins – Evidence Of Financial Crisis?

Jan Bartek – – Historians have long discussed what the statesman and scholar Cicero meant when he wrote ‘the coinage was being tossed around so that no one was able to know what he had.’ (De Officiis, 3:80), and they believe they have solved this mystery now after analyzing ancient Roman coins. The ‘heads’ […]

Unearthing the past archeologists have found the remains of a man who fell victim to Mount Vesuviuss catastrophic eruption 2000 years ago. This discovery provides insights into life during ancient times and offers a somber reminder of the devastating power of nature.

Remains of man who was ‘vaporized’ by Mount Vesuvius 2,000 years ago discovered The skeletal remains of a man whose flesh disintegrated in the heat from Mount…

Skeleton Of An Ancient Roman Mercenary Buried With His Sword Discovered In South Wales

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists have announced a surprising discovery of an ancient Roman mercenary buried with his sword and his military regalia. The skeleton was unearthed near Five Mile Lane, in the Welsh countryside. Based on preliminary reports, the skeleton is 1,700-year-old. While excavating at the site, archaeologists also found Iron Age farming […]