Jars With 2,600-Year-Old Vanilla Remnants Discovered In The City Of David

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com –  While examining the sides of 15 ceramic jars, used for wine and olive oil storage in two buildings in the City of David, in Israel, archaeologists discovered some of them contained 2,600-year-old remnants of vanilla. Collection of wine jars after the restoration process. Credit: Dafna Gazit, Israel Antiquities Authority The […]

Tool Patterns Reveal What Caused The Neanderthals’ Extinction In The Iberian Peninsula

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Neandertals disappeared around 40,000 years ago, but many details of their extinction remain unclear. To elucidate the situation, it is useful to explore how Neandertal populations were changing during their final millennia. Credit: Adobe – Stock – ginettigino A new study now sheds light on what caused the Neanderthals’ extinction […]

Mysterious Ancient Giant Jars Made By An Unknown Civilization Discovered In India

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Scientists have discovered as many as 65 ancient jars made of sandstone in India. Some of these jars are giant and researchers suspect they were used for burial purposes. However, it is still unknown who made them. Could they somehow be connected to similar jars found in Laos? Jars at […]

Medieval Bollock Dagger – Also Known As Kidney Dagger Discovered In Belgium

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Ancient people were certainly creative and able to produce weapons in different shapes. This Medieval kidney dagger has been unearthed in Belgium. While excavating near St Martin’s Cathedral in the city of Ypres, archaeologists came across many ancient artifacts, such as this dagger. It was found in the same area […]

Tomb Of A 1,000-Year-Old Sican Surgeon Wearing A Golden Mask Discovered In Peru

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The Sican culture, also referred to as the Lambayeque culture lived in what is now the north coast of Peru between about 750 and 1375.  Discovered and named after archaeologist Izumi Shimada, it is said the name Sican means “temple of the Moon”. The unearthed tomb of a Sican surgeon […]

Second Gate Of Bazira And Unique Artifacts Discovered In The Ancient City Of Alexander The Great

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Founded by Alexander the Great the ancient city of Bazira was long, but its ruins were located in 2019. The city was established after the destruction of the lower city in the third century by a catastrophic earthquake, and later abandoned in the third century and lost to history. View […]

Unknown Ancient Structures Discovered At Machu Picchu By LIDAR

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Beautiful Machu Picchu has not given up all its ancient secrets, at least not yet.  There is still much to learn about this ancient site, but scientists must rely on sophisticated technology to discover structures hidden in areas covered by tropical forests. Machu Picchu beautiful panorama overview above the world […]

Unique 3,300-Year-Old Hitтιтe Bracelet With Symbols Discovered By Farmer

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – It was just an ordinary working day and ancient treasure hunting was not part of the farmer’s agenda, but his day turned out to be quite different when he stumbled upon something unexpected. While plowing his farm in Turkey’s central Çorum province the farmer discovered a rare 3,300-year-old ancient bracelet […]

Ancient Scents Can Be Reconstructed With Help Of Modern Science – Researchers Say

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Scent has always been an integral component of the human experience, but up until now, the past has remained largely odorless. Most scents come from organic substances that decay quickly, leaving little for archaeologists to investigate thousands of years later. Now a team of researchers from the MPI for the Science of […]

Mystery Of The Scottish Medieval Wanderer And The Bog Bodies At Cramond Investigated By Scientists

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Isotope analysis of the “bodies in the bog” found at Cramond reveals several crossed a politically divided Scotland, meeting their end hundreds of miles from their place of birth. For decades, the skeletal remains of nine adults and five infants found in the latrine of what was once a Roman bath house […]