Mummification In Europe May Be Older Than Previously Known – 8,000-Year-Old Evidence Presented

Conny Waters – – Mummification of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ probably was more common in prehistory than previously known. This discovery was made at the hunter-gatherer burial sites in the Sado Valley in Portugal, dating to 8,000 years ago. View from the archaeological site Arapouco towards the Sado Valley, Portugal. Credit: Rita Peyroteo-Stjerna A new study, […]

Amergin: First Druid And ‘Wondrously Born’ Son Of Mil, Founder Of Poetry, Was Judge In Irish Mythology

A. Sutherland  – – Among the shape-shifting magicians of the Celts in Irish mythology, there was once Amergin (Amairgin or Amergin Glúingel), the son of Prince Mil (Míl Espáine), whose name later, in Latin, was Milesius). “The Coming of the Sons of Miled,” illustration by J. C. Leyendecker in T. W. Rolleston’s Myths & Legends of the Celtic […]

7,000-Year-Old Grains Hints At Origin Of Swiss Pile Dwellings

Conny Waters – – Nowhere else are so many Neolithic pile dwellings known as around the Alps. However, how this particular construction boom got its start is a mystery. Researchers at the University of Basel have now uncovered new evidence: Settlers on Lake Varese in northern Italy may have played a major role. Remains […]

Why Were The 4,000-Year-Old Native American Shell Ring Villages Suddenly Abandoned?

Jan  Bartek – – Scientists are attempting to find out why so many 4,000-year-old Native American shell ring villages were suddenly abandoned. While scholars have proposed socio-ecological explanations, there has been limited examination of the physical evidence for these. What could have caused people to leave these communities? Atop a 30-foot-high shell mound, the […]

Roman Empire’s Emerald Mines In The Egyptian Eastern Desert – New Evidence

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists led by the UAB complete the first topography of the interior of the only existing Roman emerald mines, located in Egypt. Their work concentrated on the area that in Antiquitywas known as “Mons Smaragdus”, and it was the only place within the Roman Empire where emeralds could be found. Emerald […]

Stonehenge Served As An Ancient Solar Calendar And We Know How It Worked – Scientists Say

Jan Bartek – – The riddle to solve the purpose of Stonehenge continues. It had long been thought that the famous site of Stonehenge served as an ancient calendar, given its alignment with the solstices. Now, research has identified how it may have worked. New finds about the stone circle’s history, along with analysis […]

Pharaonic Water Wells Discovered For The First Time Near ‘Horus Road’ In Sinai, Egypt

Conny Waters – – For the first time ever archaeologists have discovered water wells dating back to the Pharaonic times. The discovery was made by scientists who are part of the Egyptian Archaeological Mission working in the Tel-Kadwa region north of Sinai. Mount Sinai, known as Mount Horeb, is a mountain in the Sinai […]

Balkanatolia: Existence Of A Long-Forgotten Continent Discovered

Jan Bartek – – An international team of scientists has discovered the existence of a long-forgotten continent they have dubbed Balkanatolia, which today covers the present-day Balkans and Anatolia. Formerly inhabited by a highly specific fauna, they believe that it enabled mammals from Asia to colonize Europe 34 million years ago. For millions of […]

Mystery Of Doppelgangers And Spirit Doubles – From Ancient To Modern Times

Ellen Lloyd – – The existence of so-called Doppelgangers and spirit doubles is an ancient and widespread belief. According to legend, Doppelgangers (German for “double-walker”) is a duplicate of a real person. It is someone who looks the same as another person yet is not a twin. Mystics throughout the ages have believed Doppelgangers and […]

Cave 53 In Qumran Region In Judean Desert Reveals More Secrets

 Conny Waters – – Cave 53, in the Qumran region delivers new surprises. A whole pottery vessel from the Early Bronze Age, one of the few ever discovered in the Judean Desert, was unexpectedly uncovered by a tourist in the cave! An American tourist named Robbie Brown and his friends climbed into a cave […]