Captain James Cook’s Famed Vessel The Endeavour Possibly Discovered On The Coast Of Rhode Island

Conny Waters – – After many years of searching Captain James Cook’s famous vessel the HMB Endeavour may now have been found off the coast of the US state of Rhode Island. Born in northeast England in 1728, Captain James Cook spotted and claimed the East Coast of Australia on April 19, 1770. On […]

Ancient People In Peru Had A Unique Response To The Looting And Destruction Of Their Ancestors’ Graves

Jan Bartek – – Ancient Indigenous people in Peru had a unique response to the looting and destruction of their ancestors’ graves during the European colonial period, an international team of archaeologists has discovered. A study led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) found nearly 200 examples of human vertebrae threaded onto reed […]

1.5 Million-Year-Old Human Vertebra Discovered In Israel’s Jordan Valley Sheds New Light On Migration From Africa To Eurasia

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have discovered a 1.5 million-year-old human vertebra in Israel’s Jordan Valley. According to a new study, ancient human migration from Africa to Eurasia was not a one-time event but occurred in waves. The first wave reached the Republic of Georgia in the Caucasus approximately 1.8 million years ago. The […]

Evidence Of 3,600-Year-Old Settlement Unexpectedly Uncovered On Arabian Peninsula

Conny Waters – – Scholars looking for underground water sources on the Eastern Arabian Peninsula for a project funded by the United State Agency for Aid and International Development, have accidentally uncovered the outlines of a settlement that appears to be more than 3,600 years old. A symmetrical 2 x 3 kilometer, landscaped area—or […]

Did A Comet Explosion Over North America Lead To Downfall Of Ancient Hopewell Culture?

Jan Bartek – – The rapid decline of the Hopewell culture about 1,500 years ago might be explained by falling debris from a near-Earth comet that created a devastating explosion over North America, laying waste to forests and Native American villages alike. Researchers with the University of Cincinnati found evidence of a cosmic airburst […]

Mysteries Of The Huldufolk – The Hidden People Of Iceland

Ellen Lloyd – – The belief in the Hidden People is taken very seriously in certain countries, like Iceland, for example. Not far from Reykjavik, there is a small harbor town called Hafnarfjöròur that is said to be the home of the Huldufolk or the Secret Folk. These interesting beings are the race of […]

What Was Asphalt Doing On A 9,000-Year-Old Skull Discovered In The Judean Desert

Jan Bartek – – The Judean Desert is a unique time capsule for archeologists: thanks to the arid conditions that prevail there, its caves preserve ancient artifacts made of organic materials, which would have otherwise decayed and disappeared under normal conditions. An example of a cave where fascinating finds were uncovered is the Nahal […]

Unbelievable discovery An archaeologist has unearthed the ancient tomb of Osiris just beneath the Sphinx. History comes alive

An Archaeologist Found The Ancient Tomb of The God Osiris?! – Right Under The Sphinx Every culture has its legends and its myths. Most of us are…

Unveiling the ancient mysteries Latest discovery pushes back the origin of modern humans by 30000 years. What secrets do these fossils hold

Fossils that “clearly foreshadow” modern humans are 30,000 years older than we thought The Omo I and Herto fossils, found in East Africa, are the oldest known Homo…

Rare Discovery Of More Than 18,000 Inscribed Pot Sherds Document Life In Ancient Egypt

Jan Bartek – – Egyptologists have recovered more than 18,000 inscribed sherds in ancient Athribis—the remains of vessels and jars that served as writing material some 2,000 years ago. The sherds, known as ostraca, document lists of names, purchases of food and everyday objects, and even writing from a school, including lines written by […]