Thogcha – Thousand-Year-Old Tibetan Amulets And The Bon Culture

A. Sutherland – – Enigmatic small amulets known as’ thokchas’ (thogchags) are made of iron, meteoric iron, or, as Tibetans say, “sky metal” or “sky-iron” denote tekтιтes and meteorites, which are often high in iron content. Tibetan thokcha, showing crouching lion in centre. Credit: Clemensmarabu – CC BY-SA 3.0 “Thogcha,” heavenly iron or sky […]

Ancient Stone Monoliths In Ethiopia Are 1,000 Years Older Than Previously Thought

Jan Bartek – – Rising as high as 20 feet, ancient stone monoliths in southern Ethiopia are 1,000 years older than scientists previously thought, according to a new study in the Journal of African Archaeology.  A Washington State University research team used advanced radiocarbon dating to determine the often phallic-shaped monoliths, or stelae, at the […]

Astronomically Aligned Temples And Pyramids Of Ancient World

A. Sutherland – – Pyramids and temples of the ancient world were precisely aligned with the direction of the rising or setting sun, moon, star, or planet on an important day of the year. Some of them were lined up with the cardinal points but most were aligned to other astronomically significant directions. Karnak temple, […]

Denisovans Or Homo Sapiens: Who Were The First To Settle Permanently On The Tibetan Plateau?

Conny Waters – – The Tibetan Plateau has long been considered one of the last places to be populated by people in their migration around the globe. A new paper by archeologists at the University of California, Davis, highlights that our extinct cousins, the Denisovans, reached the “roof of the world” about 160,000 years […]

2,700 Year Old Equestrian Armor In ᴀssyrian-Style Leather Evidence Of Technology Transfer In Antiquity

Conny Waters – – Scientists from the University of Zurich examined a unique leather scale armor from the grave of a horseman in northwest China. The style and construction suggest that the tank was made between the 6th and 8th centuries BC in the Neo-ᴀssyrian Empire and was transported to China from there. The old […]

Truth Behind Mysterious Ancient Metal Depositions Revealed By Scientists

Jan Bartek – – In Bronze Age Europe, many bronze objects such as axes, swords and jewels were deliberately left at specific spots in the landscape. Ph.D. research by Leiden archaeologist Marieke Visser shows that these practices were expressions of people’s relationship with the world around them. “It was a completely normal practice, which […]

Secret Ancient Knowledge Of Portals Leading To Unknown Realms – Mysteries Of The Past And Present – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – In part 1, we discussed our ancestors’ knowledge of mysterious gateways leading to other worlds. Though this may seem like an implausible scenario, we discovered there was reason to treat the beliefs of ancient people with respect. Truth be told, the multiverse theory is under constant development by modern scientists. […]

Chilling Story Of Glamr Who Became A Draugr, A Living ᴅᴇᴀᴅ – Scary Yule Haunting

Ellen Lloyd – – Do you have the courage to challenge supernatural forces? If you decide to do so, remember it will be your own doing. One man named Glamr was overconfident. Considering himself invincible and untouchable, he thought he could do whatever pleased him and get away with it, but it was a […]

On This Day In History: Fatal Fire Broke Out In Tre Kronor Three Crowns Castle, Stockholm, Sweden – On May 7, 1697 – On May 7, 1697, the fatal fire broke out in Tre Kronor “Three Crowns”) castle located in Stockholm, Sweden, on the site where Stockholm Palace is today. The fire started at two o’clock in the afternoon of May 7, 1697, and completely demolished the majority of the then more-than-400-year-old castle. Castle Tre Kronor – […]

Unraveling The Mystery Of How Our Ancestors Created The First Spoken Words

Jan Bartek – – Most people around the world agree that the made-up word ‘bouba’ sounds round in shape, and the made-up word ‘kiki’ sounds pointy — a discovery that may help to explain how spoken languages develop, according to a new study. Language scientists have discovered that this effect exists independently of the […]