Ancient Mothers Cared For Kids Better Than Previously Thought

Jan Bartek – – A new study from The Australian National University (ANU) has revealed the death rate of babies in ancient societies is not a reflection of poor healthcare, disease and other factors, but instead is an indication of the number of babies born in that era. The findings shed new light on […]

Gilmerton Cove: Mysterious Cave System Still Keeps Its Centuries-Old Secrets

A. Sutherland  – – Gilmerton Cove is a mysterious cave system on the outskirts of Edinburgh, Scotland. For a long time, it was considered the work of a blacksmith George Paterson, who used it from 1724 to 1735 (or 1737), according to ancient records. But there is a problem. Even the most skilled one, […]

How Climate Change Contruibuted To The Transition From Nomadic Hunter-Gatherers To Settlement And Farming Societies

Jan Bartek – – Based on the identification of plant remains, Tel Aviv University and Tel-Hai College researchers provide the first detailed reconstruction of the climate in the Land of Israel at the end of the last ice age (20,000-10,000 years before present). The researchers claim that significant climate changes characterizing the period, manifested […]

41,500-Year-Old Ivory Pendant Is The Oldest Evidence Of Humans Decorating Jewelery In Eurasia

Jan Bartek – – A new multidisciplinary study by an international team reports the discovery of an ivory pendant decorated with a pattern of at least 50 punctures, creating an irregular looping curve. The direct radiocarbon date of the ornament yields an age of 41,500 years. This result indicates that the Stajnia Cave jewelry […]

Unexplained Mystery Of Secret Knowledge And Extraordinary Sightings Hidden In An Author’s Book

Ellen Lloyd – – Every now and then, we come across authors and scientists who are much ahead of their time. This is nothing unusual as some great minds can foretell future events with striking accuracy. There are also cases, like the one we discuss today, that may offer clues to the existence of […]

Ancient Liangzhu Culture Collapsed Due To Climate Change – New Study Says

Jan Bartek – – Referred to as China’s Venice of the Stone Age, the Liangzhu excavation site in eastern China is considered one of the most significant testimonies of early Chinese advanced civilization. More than 5000 years ago, the city already had an elaborate water management system. Until now, the cause of the sudden […]

Mysterious Forest Of Treasure – Why Is It Forbidden To Stay In Nidhivan After Sunset?

Ellen Lloyd – – There is a special and important reason it is not allowed to stay in Nidvidan after sunset. It is said that even the animals leave this mysterious place when darkness falls. Nidhivan is a sacred place located in a dense forest in the historical city of Vrindavan in the Mathura […]

Ancient City Of Aizanoi: Statue Heads Of Greek Gods Unearthed In Excavations

Conny Waters – – Several artifacts have been unearthed in the ancient city of Aizanoi, located 57 kilometers (35 miles) from Kütahya city center, a hometown, known for the famous carpets, and tiles. Aizanoi had its golden age in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD and became the center of episcopacy in Byzantine times. Image […]

Ancient Oil Lamp Shop Discovered In Aizanoi, The Second Ephesus

Jan Bartek – – Archaeologists excavating in the 5,000-year-old city of Aizanoi, Turkey have unearthed an ancient oil lamp shop as well as a bone workshop. Nicknamed the Second Ephesus, Aizanoi was once an ancient Greek city and an important political and economic center during Roman times. Many interesting artifacts and prehistoric buildings have […]

Salt Workers’ Residences At Underwater Maya Site – Identified

Conny Waters – – The ancient Maya had stone temples and palaces in the rainforest of Central America, along with dynastic records of royal leaders carved in stone, but they lacked a basic commodity essential to daily life: salt. The sources of salt are mainly along the coast, including salt flats on the Yucatan coast […]