Ancient Road Used By The Teutonic Knights Discovered In A Lake In Poland

Jan Bartek – – Anyone traveling from the German city of Brandenburg via Berlin to Frankfurt an der Oder at the Polish-German border does so along an ancient route that reaches far into Poland. German and Polish researchers have now documented the influence of this East-West connection on the history of the landscape by […]

Hundreds Of Ancient Ceremonial Sites Discovered Near Aguada Fénix – The Largest And Oldest Maya Monument In Mexico

Jan Bartek – – A team of international researchers led by the University of Arizona reported last year that they had uncovered the largest and oldest Maya monument—Aguada Fénix. That same team has now uncovered nearly 500 smaller ceremonial complexes that are similar in shape and features to Aguada Fénix. The find transforms previous […]

The Wild Hunt – Danger Of Seeing The Phantom Army Of Odin

Ellen Lloyd – – The Wild Hunt is a well-known folklore story in Northern Europe. It is said that seeing the Wild Hunt is dangerous because it is a warning of a coming disaster or the death of the person who witnessed the ghost riders crossing the skies. Over the centuries, many authors have […]

Ancient Mystery Of Leti – A Homo Naledi Child Of Darkness Discovered In The Rising Star Cave System

Jan Bartek – – An international team of researchers, led by Professor Lee Berger from Wits University, has revealed the first partial skull of a Homo naledi child that was found in the remote depths of the Rising Star Cave in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site near Johannesburg, South Africa. Describing the […]

Has A Second Sphinx Been Found In Egypt?

Jan Bartek – – The theory there was once a second sphinx is not new, but despite many claims no-one has been able to provide solid evidence of a twin Sphinx. Has this finally changed with the surprising announcement of the discovery of a mysterious ancient monument resembling the Great Sphinx of Giza? As […]

First Modern Human Settlement Existed In Iberian Hinterland Within Harsh Environmental Conditions

Conny Waters – – The period of time when anatomically modern humans first appeared in a particular region is always H๏τly debated amongst scientists. In western Europe, the contested region is the Iberian Peninsula, considered the last region to be occupied by modern humans as they spread throughout Eurasia. Peña Capón is a north-west oriented […]

Tomb Of Pharaoh Ramesses II Treasurer Ptah-M-Wia Discovered In Saqqara

Jan Bartek – – While excavating at the Saqqara necropolis a team of archaeologists uncovered the tomb of Ptah-M-Wia, head of the treasury during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II. According to the Ptah-M-Wia the discovery is important because of the several тιтles the tomb owner possessed in life. He was the royal scribe, […]

Rare Ancient Boomerang Collection Sheds New Light On Australia’s Past

Jan Bartek – – New research has analyzed a rare collection of non-returning boomerangs from Kinipapa (Cooper Creek), near Innamincka in South Australia’s far northeast. The four boomerangs and one wooden fragment were discovered in the creek bed during drought conditions in 2017 and 2018 by Jason Litherland from National Parks and Wildlife South Australia and […]

Magnificent Reconstruction Of Scotland’s Largest Pictish Fort Burghead

Jan Bartek – – Stunning new reconstructions have revealed how Scotland’s largest known Pictish fort may have looked over one thousand years ago. Three-dimensional images of Burghead in Moray have been created based on archaeological excavations by the University of Aberdeen. Reconstruction of Burghead. Credit: University of Aberdeen Funded by Historic Environment Scotland as […]

New Light On Prehistoric Chalk Plaques From Stonehenge Using Innovative Technology

Jan Bartek – – Four rare Late Neolithic chalk plaques from the Stonehenge region have been subjected to non-invasive Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) technology in a new study by experts from WesSєx Archaeology, which has shed light on previously unseen artistic elements used during the ‘golden age’ of Neolithic chalk art. Credit: Public Domain […]