Mystery Of The Tarim Basin Mummies Continues

Jan Bartek – – As part of the Silk Road and located at the geographical intersection of Eastern and Western cultures, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has long served as a major crossroads for trans-Eurasian exchanges of people, cultures, agriculture, and languages. Since the late 1990s, the discovery of hundreds of naturally mummified human […]

Mysterious Ancient Shapeshifters Who Guided Humans And The Battle Of The Gods Described In Sacred Texts And Myths

Ellen Lloyd – – From sacred, ancient texts and myths, we are told these being mysterious were very wise and could prophecy forthcoming events, but they were unwilling to reveal the secrets of the future. They talked and behaved like humans, but they were no ordinary humans, nevertheless. Some ancient sources tell these enigmatic […]

Previously Unkown Manuscript Reveals New Insight Into Medieval Christian Beliefs In England

Jan Bartek – – A rare English illuminated medieval prayer roll, believed to be among only a few dozen still in existence worldwide, has been analyzed in a new study to expose Catholic beliefs in England before the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Now in private hands and previously unknown to experts, this meter-long […]

Legendary Lost Island Of Gold Of The Mysteriously Vanished Srivijaya Civilization Found Underwater

Conny Waters – – Magnificent ancient treasures discovered by local fishermen in Indonesia‘s Musi River may be the beginning of a great archaeological and historical story. The artifacts date back to the Srivijaya civilization, a powerful kingdom between the 7th and 13th centuries which mysteriously vanished a century later. Scientists now suggest the artifacts […]

Battle Between The Good And Bad Mind Over Human Souls – Told By The Iroquois Tribes

Ellen Lloyd – – There are accounts of battles between good and evil forces in every religion. Myths from cultures worldwide offer fascinating stories dealing with benevolent and malevolent characters. Glooskap’s Battle With His Evil Brother Malsum “Among the Algonquian folktales and traditional stories, which belong to 35 different Native American tribes from Long […]

Invention Of Ancient Military Technologies Throughout World History Investigated

Jan Bartek – – Peter Turchin from the Complexity Science Hub Vienna (CSH) and an interdisciplinary team of colleagues set out to test competing theories about what drove the evolution of war machines throughout world history. Their study, published today in the journal PLOS ONE, sees the strongest influence on the evolution of military technology coming […]

Vikings Visited America 1,000 Years Ago – Solar Storm And Archaeology Confirm Icelandic Sagas

Jan Bartek – – Columbus was not the first European to reach the Americas. The Vikings got there centuries before, although exactly when has remained unclear. Here, an international team of scientists show that Europeans were already active in the Americas in 1021 AD. The Vikings sailed great distances in their iconic longships. To […]

Ants May Hold the Clues Why The Human Brain Decreased In Size 3,000 Years Ago – Scientists Say

Jan Bartek – – The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Now, a new study has brought us closer to understanding some of its evolution. It shows that human brains decreased in size approximately 3,000 years ago. By studying ants as models to illustrate why brains may increase or decrease […]

King Lud – Mysterious Founder Of London And His Connection To The Tuatha De Danann

Ellen Lloyd – – Legendary British King Lud is shrouded in a veil of mystery. Did he ever exist? Was he the real founder of London or a Celtic God? What was his connection to the Tuatha De Danann, a mythical race of god-like beings with supernatural abilities? Historians, mythologists, and folklorists have long tried to […]

Irkalla – Underworld With No Return Ruled By Ereshkigal, Granddaughter Of Enlil And Sister Of Inanna

A. Sutherland – – In Babylonian mythology, Irkalla was the underworld from which there was no return. The realm of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ or the lower world was also called Arali, Kur, Kigal, and Gizal. There were two traditions explaining how humans entered the netherworld. According to one, the road to the underworld pᴀssed through […]