Only One In Four Western Roman Emperors Died Of Natural Causes

Conny Waters – – The Roman Empire was ruled by 175 men, from Augustus (63 BCE-19 CE) to Constantine XI (1405-53), including the Eastern or Byzantine Empire after the split in 395 CE, but excluding those who did not rule in their own right because they were minors during regencies or co-emperors. Colosseum, Rome […]

Impressive And Rare Hoard Of Silver Coins Dated To The Hasmonean Period (126 BC) – Studied

Conny Waters – – An impressive hoard of silver coins dating to the Hasmonean period (126 BCE) was unearthed several years ago during archaeological excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the city of Modiin-Maccabim-Reut. The treasure was found hidden in a rock crevice near a wall of an impressive agricultural estate. A hoard […]

World’s Largest Wine Factory From The Byzantine Period Unearthed In Yavne

Jan Bartek – – Scientists report an archaeological sensation in Yavne, Israel. The Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced archaeologists have unearthed the world’s largest wine factory from the Byzantine period. The wine produced at Yavne was called in ancient times “Gaza or Ashkelon Wine” and was considered to be a high quality wine. Archaeologists explain, […]

Unique Tomb Of Roman Noblewoman Caecilia Metella Reveals Secrets Of Ancient Concrete Resilience

Jan Bartek – – Over time, concrete cracks and crumbles. Well, most concrete cracks and crumbles. Structures built in ancient Rome are still standing, exhibiting remarkable durability despite conditions that would devastate modern concrete. One of these structures is the large cylindrical tomb of first-century noblewoman Caecilia Metella. New research shows that the quality of the […]

Shennong – Chinese ‘King Of Medicines’ Who Invented Farming Tools And Herbs For Treating People’s Diseases

Angela Sutherland – – Over millennia, Chinese people have been influenced by different religious, philosophical, and spiritual teachings, including Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. They historically have had a significant impact on the development of Chinese culture and religion. Shennong (Japanese Shinnnō) in a Japanese hanging scroll (19th century). Public domain Among many gods worshiped by […]

Peopling the Americas: Not Out of Japan – Popular Theory Debunked

Conny Waters – – A widely accepted theory of Native American origins coming from Japan has been attacked in a new scientific study, which shows that genetics and skeletal biology “simply does not match-up”. Jomon teeth vs Native American teeth. Credit: G. Richard Scott, University of Nevada Reno The findings are likely to have a […]

Mystery Of The Marble Lions On The Sacred Island Of Delos Solved?

Conny Waters – – The beautiful ancient marble lions are one of the most eye-catching landmarks of the island of Delos. originally the marble guardian lions were erected north of the sanctuary of Apollo overlooking the Sacred Lake. Historians know the Naxos people dedicated the “Terrace of the Lions” to Apollo shortly before 600 B.C. […]

Oldest Footprints Of Pre-Humans Discovered In Crete – They Are 6 Million-Year-Old!

Jan Bartek – – The oldest known footprints of pre-humans were found on the Mediterranean island of Crete and are at least six million years old, says an international team of researchers from Germany, Sweden, Greece, Egypt and England, led by Tübingen scientists Uwe Kirscher and Madelaine Böhme of the Senckenberg Center for Human […]

Problems With The Age Of Man And Theory Of Evolution – What Happened In The Past?

Ellen Lloyd – – As previously mentioned in many of our previous articles, scientists have on several occasions made puzzling archaeological discoveries that have led them to believe many ancient civilizations were much more advanced than previously thought. Some scientists suggest there are severe flaws in Darwin’s theory of evolution. If they are correct, […]

Mysteries Of The Yellow Emperor – The ‘Son Of Heaven’ From Regulus

Paul Stonehill – – Chinese and Japanese archaeologists claim they have discovered in China’s southwestern province of Sichuan evidence of the fifth ancient civilization, Japan’s Kyodo News reported Monday, October 28, 1996. The evidence is an earthen stage, unearthed during a joint archaeology project and estimated to date back 4,500 years. It was found […]