Dance Was A Gift Of The Gods To Ancient Greeks

Conny Waters – – Like in most ancient cultures, dance was important to people in ancient Greece. Dance was a way to express emotions, tell stories, and communicate. To ancient Greeks, dance was a gift of the gods and therefore thought that the best dancers had been specially gifted by the gods. Dancing girls […]

Ancient Hitтιтe Temple Dedicated To The Goddess Of Night To Be Unearthed

Conny Waters – – As several previous archaeological excavations have proved there is no doubt the ancient Hitтιтe Empire left a rich historical legacy for future generations. “The Hitтιтes were once one of the most powerful ancient civilizations that occupied the ancient region of Anatolia. This long-gone culture has been of great interest to […]

Mystery Of The Hidden Shoes Discovered In Ancient European Houses – What Is Behind This Bizarre Tradition?

Ellen Lloyd – – Archaeologists have several times discovered deliberately hidden shoes in ancient European buildings. Different footwear was placed under the floor, above the doorway, or inside a chimney. It is also worth noting that hidden footwear has been discovered in private homes, churches, and monasteries. A majority of the discovered shoes have […]

What Can The Fate Of Ancient Cities Teach Us About Surviving Climate Change

Jan Bartek – – Why did some ancient Khmer and Mesoamerican cities collapse between 900-1500CE, while their rural surrounds continued to prosper? Intentional adaptation to climate changed conditions may be the answer, suggests a new study. Cities and their hinterlands must build resilience to survive climate stress; this is the grave warning emanating from […]

Unraveling The Mystery Of The Celestial Matrix

Angela Sutherland – – Many religious and mythological stories worldwide speak of visitations of intelligent beings from outer space. In some ancient cultures, these beings were called gods; in others, they were “sky people” or “star people.” They arrived from the heavens to live among the humans.  Then one day, they decided to leave […]

Gate of Zeus Temple Is A New Discovery In Western Turkey

Conny Waters – – Archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Magnesia, located in the western province of Aydın’s Germencik district, have brought to light the entrance gate of the Temple of Magnesia Zeus, the replica of which is on display at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Magnesia on the Meander. Image source Excavations in the ancient city […]

Discovered 2000-Year-Old Mauryan Structure May Lead To The Lost Ashoka Pillar Site

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists excavating in India have come across a 2000-year-old Mauryan-era brick platform that may provide scientists with valuable information about the lost Ashoka pillar site. Emperor Ashoka who became the third monarch of the Mauryan dynasty and ruled over a vast empire from 268 to 232 B.C is nowadays remembered […]

The First Conservationists May Have Been Early Pacific Islanders Who Started The Practice 3,000 Years Ago

Jan Bartek – – Sustainability is a 21st century buzzword, but a new interdisciplinary study shows that some communities have been conducting sustainable practices for at least a thousand years. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and coauthored by University of Oregon archaeologist Scott Fitzpatrick, the study integrates data from archaeology, history […]

Kali – Hindu Goddess Of Death, Fear And Horror Who Destroys Ignorance, Evil And Establishes World Order

Angela Sutherland  – – Kali (in Sanskrit, “black”) is in Hindu beliefs, the goddess of death, destruction, fear, and horror who destroys ignorance brings world order, liberates, and blesses those who seek to know God. Kali symbolizes power and divine strength. Known by many other names, Kali is the chief of the Mahavidyas, a group […]

Indigenous People Of Ancient Sicily Were Acrive Traders Long Before The Greeks Arrived

Jan Bartek – – How should we relate to the traditional historiography on ancient Sicily? The prevailing view has been that the indigenous population had neither territory, power nor economic resources. But with the aid of interdisciplinary methods, a new thesis shows that trade was a big part of the economy for the inhabitants […]