What Rights Did Viking Women Have?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Unlike many females in other ancient cultures, Viking women were powerful, dominant, and had a prominent role in society. This Viking legacy is still notable in Scandinavia, where women expect to be treated as equals. Scientists have acknowledged Viking women were much more prominent than previously thought based on numerous archaeological […]

Scythians Were Not Always Nomadic Warriors Of The Pontic Steppe In Black Sea Region

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The Scythians have long been presented as highly mobile nomadic warriors. They lived across the Pontic steppe around 700-200 BC and posed a great economic risk to growing Mediterranean empires from the Iron Age into the Classical period. In 2019, an intact grave of a Scythian warrior has been unearthed […]

Non-Royal Elite Burial And Deciphered Hieroglyph Reveal Privileged And Hard Life Of Maya Ambᴀssador

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A hieroglyph-adorned stairway leading up to a ceremonial platform has been unearthed during excavations at El Palmar, a small plaza compound in Mexico near the borders of Belize and Guatemala. The archaeological team led by Kenichiro Tsukamoto, an ᴀssistant professor of anthropology at UC Riverside, also discovered an important Maya man […]

Perfectly Preserved 10,500-Year-Old Basket Found In Muraba’at Cave

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – This large woven basket is still in perfect condition despite being 10,500-year-old! It is now the world’s oldest woven basket and it was discovered in Muraba‘at Cave in Israel. According to the Antiquities Authority, the basket was found empty and closed with a lid. Currently, it’s unknown what it once […]

Ziggurats, Axis Mundi And Strong Connection To Religion In Mesopotamia

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – The ancient civilization of the Sumer still hides many secrets. Representatives of this unique culture left behind many art pieces, pottery, writing hydraulic engineering, and monumental ziggurats, which were artificial mountains of sunbaked brick with outside staircases that tapered toward a shrine at the top. The Sumerian tradition of building […]

Dangerous Anomaly Inside Mysterious European Mountain Remains Unexplained – Examining Evidence – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – If the mysterious mountain is located near ley lines it could explain the discovery of unknown energy forces detected in the area. As mentioned in our article there is often a connection between ley lines, prehistoric megalithic monuments, and mysterious cosmic forces. Were our ancestors gathering at this place due […]

Pharaoh Ahmose I Expelled The Hyksos Invaders And Changed History Of Ancient Egypt

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Ahmose I was carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders when he ascended the throne to rule as the pharaoh of Egypt. He was still a young child, not more than 10 years, but much was expected of him. Death had followed in his family’s footsteps, and he was surrounded […]

A 1.3 kg Heavy Bronze Sword Unearthed On Funen Island, Denmark

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists at Odense City Museums have made a startling discovery in form of a 1.3 kg heavy Bronze sword that was excavated at Håre on West Funen, the third largest island in Denmark. Image credit: Odense City Museums “We are dealing with a 3,000-year-old wonder,” according to Chief Inspector Jesper […]

Ancient Scandinavians Never Spoke Of Themselves As Vikings – Here Is Why

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – If Vikings were alive today, they would be surprised and perhaps even a little flattered to see how the world has taken an interest in their history. The Vikings are more popular than ever, and people are fascinated with everything these Norse warriors accomplished, and even failures in some cases. […]

2000-Year-Old Antikythera Mechanism – Experts Recreate A Mechanical Cosmos For The World’s First Computer

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Researchers at UCL have solved a major piece of the puzzle that makes up the ancient Greek astronomical calculator known as the Antikythera Mechanism, a hand-powered mechanical device that was used to predict astronomical events. Known to many as the world’s first analogue computer, the Antikythera Mechanism is the most […]