Ancient Secrets Of The Black Basalt Statue Of Priest Djedhor Revealed

Ellen Lloyd – – Ancient Egyptians constructed sacred temples and other buildings we admire today. Excavations in the Land of the Pharaohs have brought to light splendid ancient Egyptian artifacts that we can see in museums, and we do wonder what more ancient secrets will be revealed once we learn what could be hidden […]

12th Century Idol Of Vishnumurthy Unearthed In Abandoned Well Near Udupi, India

Conny Waters – – An ancient idol of Vishnumurthy (or Janardhana, which is another name of Lord Vishnu) was found in an abandoned well in the vicinity of a ruined temple, Udupi, in India’s Karnataka state. The Vishnumurthy sculpture of 12th century AD was found in an abandoned well near a ruined temple near Udupi […]

Ship-Shaped Burial Of Tjelvar – Legendary First Man Who Brought Fire To Gotland

A. Sutherland  – – Tjelvar’s tomb is a ship set from the Bronze Age located near the east coast of Gotland and almost directly east of Visby, in the parish of Boge on the island. Tjelvar’s burial site is 18 meters long and 5 meters wide. In the Late Bronze Age, around 1100 – […]

A 4.4 Million-Year-Old Hand Of ‘Ardi’ Has Some Clues On Humans’ Upright Walking

Conny Waters – – Early 20th-century anatomical research supported the view that humans evolved from a suspensory ancestor bearing some resemblance to apes. Charles Darwin and others recognized a close evolutionary relationship between humans, chimps, and gorillas based on their shared anatomies, raising some big questions: how are humans related to other primates, and […]

Orthodox Church In Black Sea Region Looted By Treasure Hunters

Conny Waters – – The 14th-century Hutura Hagios Monastery Church, considered one of the three holy churches of Orthodox Christianity in the Black Sea region, has been plundered by treasure hunters, according to a local historian. The 14th-century Hutura Hagios Monastery Church. Image source Speaking to Demirören News Agency, historian Adnan Güngör Üçüncüoğlu said that treasure hunters […]

Roman Consuls Seized Power Through Intimidation, Bribery And Show Business

Ellen Lloyd – – During the days of the Roman Republic, two consuls were elected. They served one year before they were replaced. If a consul died during his term (not uncommon when consuls were in the forefront of battle) or was removed from office, another would be elected. Because a consul’s imperium extended […]

Startling Discovery Of Nubian Levallois Technology In Shukbah Cave Re-Writes Ancient History Of Neanderthals And Homo Sapiens

Jan Bartek – – Evidence the Neanderthals were by no means as primitive as previously thought has been encountered once again. Re-examination of archaeological discoveries made in the Shukbah Cave in the western Judaean Mountains confirms Neanderthals used Nubian Levallois technology, previously thought to be restricted to Homo Sapiens. The view from Shukbah Cave. […]

Baba Yaga Lego Created By Russian Artist Brings Classic Slavic Mythological Figures To Life

Jan Bartek – – Most of us have a beloved mythological character we remember from childhood. Whether it is Snow White, Mickey Mouse, Big Bad Wolf, Pinocchio, Tom Thumb, the Frog Prince, or anyone else not mentioned here, these characters captured our imagination when we were kids. Baba Yaga and her cat. Credit: dESh […]

Australia’s Two-Meter-Long And Oldest Known Rock Painting Of A Kangaroo – Revealed

Conny Waters – – Depictions of animals are a common subject for the world’s oldest dated rock art, including lions in France’s Chauvet Cave and wild bovids in Indonesia. A two-meter-long painting of a kangaroo in Western Australia’s Kimberley region has been identified as Australia’s oldest intact rock painting. Traditional Owner Ian Waina inspecting a […]

Mysterious Biblical Celestial City And Its Connection To The North Star – Nonhuman Hands – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – This time our Biblical mystery deals with the startling description of a celestial city and its puzzling connection to the North Star. In the Bible, we are told about a marvelous celestial city and a heavenly house. The Scriptures inform certain “constructions” were not made by human hands. Was the […]