‘Impossible’ Ancient Egyptian Visit Troubles Historians

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – It all started with the discovery of an ancient structure made from artificial cement-like material unknown to modern science. Who were the mysterious ancient builders? This ancient structure was out-of-place and it could not have been the work of locals. Later, archaeologists found ruins of buildings we today ᴀssociate with […]

18,000-Year-Old Seashell Was Musical Wind Instrument Used By Magdalenian People

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Over twenty thousand years ago, primitive man noticed that a piece of hollow cane or dried-up fruit shell could make a sound if blown in a specific way. A conch dated from 18000 years BP found in the cave in 1931 was demonstrated as having been adapted by Magdalenian people […]

2,700-Year-Old Face Cream For Men Found In Chinese Tomb

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The history of cosmetics goes far back in time and the use of beauty products has by means been restricted to women. Men have long relied on different kinds of cosmetics. We know for example that ancient Egyptians had several achievements in chemistry and cosmetology. They produced creams, perfumes, and […]

Echo And Narcissus: Cursed Ability To Speak And Punishment Of Selfish Love And Vanity

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – It is a literary work that has inspired numerous works of art through the centuries and is considered one of the most touching stories ever written. Due to this beautiful story, we learn the meaning behind the word ‘Echo’ that originates in the Greek myth about a mountain nymph whose […]

Evidence Of A Hybrid Population Of Neanderthals And Modern Humans Discovered At La Cotte De St Brelade

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – How related are modern humans to the Neanderthals? Previous studies show modern humans have much more in common with the Neanderthals than previously thought. More evidence confirming our relationship with this extinct species of archaic humans is emerging. Neanderthals lived in Eurasia until about 40,000 years ago. Why the Neanderthals […]

Catacombs Of Kom El Shoqafa – Largest Roman Burial Site In Egypt

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Located in Alexandria, Egypt the catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa is one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval Ages. It’s an archaeological site of great importance. The tombs were tunneled into the bedrock in the age of the Antonine emperors (2nd century A.D.) The catacombs were originally intended as a […]

Are Relics In Santi Apostoli Church Really The Remains Of St. James And St. Philip?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com -Researchers conduct scientific investigations regarding the remains of two apostles St. Philip and St. James the Younger. A Roman church has since the sixth century AD held relics, believed to be the remains of two apostles. Now, they have undergone scientific analysis, casting light on their age and origin. In Rome […]

New Study Reveals Rare Mortuary Treatment Of Egyptian Mummy

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Studies of mummified bodies from the late New Kingdom to the 21st Dynasty (c. 1294-945 BC) have occasionally reported a hard resinous shell protecting the body within its wrappings, especially for royal mummies of the period. Mummified individual and coffin (the Nicholson Collection of the Chau Chak Wing Museum (Sowada […]

Surprising Evidence Of 12,000-Year-Old Unknown Advanced Secret Knowledge Held By Elite Individuals – The Connection – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – In part 1 we discussed why there is a difference between ancient and modern secret societies. Keeping certain knowledge secret in the past had a specific purpose and as we mentioned, the question of secrecy is today thoroughly misunderstood. We gave examples of secret knowledge that could be misused. This […]

Rare Viking Artifacts Hidden Beneath The Ice Discovered By Archaeologists In Norway

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – As the ice melts scientists have a good opportunity to discover prehistoric objects that were once used on a daily basis by ancient people. These rare artifacts have been buried beneath the cold snow for a long time and they offer a good window into the past and daily life […]