America’s Oldest City Caral Illegally Invaded And Archaeologist Threatened With Death

Jan Bartek – – Sacred city of Caral is America’s oldest archaeological site. Pre-dating the Inca empire by 45 centuries, this magnificent place has survived for 5,000 years, but how much longer will this UNESCO World Heritage site withstand destructive people? “Sacred City of Caral is very old and its age is comparable to […]

1,500-Year-Old Inscription ‘Christ, Born Of Mary’ Engraved On Magnificent Building Discovered In Israel

Jan Bartek – – While excavating at et-Taiyiba, Jezreel Valley in Israel archaeologists discovered a building that has an inscription ‘Christ, Born Of Mary’ engraved at the entrance. Whether the building was once a church or monastery is unknown, but the 1,500-year-old Greek inscription was intended to greet believers who entered the place. The […]

Ancient Mystery Of The Enigmatic ‘Cat Men’ – Advanced Prehistoric Machines Or Humanoids? – Part 2

A. Sutherland – – In part 1 we discussed the arrival of the ancient cat men race that suddenly emerged from a cloud of fire. Their unusual appearance startled locals and memories of these beings were preserved in myths, legends, and sacred texts. The idenтιтy of this strange ancient race is shrouded in mystery, […]

A 500-Year-Old Stolen Copy Of da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi Painting – Found By Italian Police

Conny Waters – – A 500-year-old copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s 16th century painting known as “Salvator Mundi” (Savior of the World)  was found hidden in an apartment, and recovered by Italian police team working on a bigger operation. Italian police officers stand by a copy of the “Salvator Mundi” (Savior of the World) […]

Something Never-Before-Seen Is Hidden Beneath 15 Giant Viking Burial Mounds Spotted By Radar In Norway

Jan Bartek – – Norwegian archaeologists have good reason to be excited about this latest discovery. With help of ground penetrating radar device scientists have discovered 15 giant Viking burial mounds. One of them may contain a boat grave! In recent years, scientists have learned to appreciate the benefits radar can offer when searching […]

Vetala – Vampire With Knowledge Of The Past, Present And Future In Hindu Mythology

Ellen Lloyd – – Most people in the Western world who are interested in vampires are familiar with Dracula, whose story was inspired by Vlad III, a Prince in Wallachia who was often called Dracula. Vetala is an unusual vampire because it possesses the knowledge of past, present, and future. Credit: svetlanarib79 – Adobe Stock Prince […]

1,500-Year-Old Tomb With Patterns Linked To Zoroastrianism And Buddhism Unearthed In C. China

Conny Waters – – A tomb with a white marble coffin bed dated to the Sui Dynasty (A.D. 581–618) has been unearthed in Anyang, Central China’s Henan province, giving the researchers a great possibility to better understand ethnic and religious integration. Several porcelain tomb figures were unearthed from a Sui Dynasty (581-618) tomb in Anyang, […]

Rare 2,700-Year-Old Seal Of Biblical King Jeroboam II’s Servant Confirmed Authentic

Jan Bartek – – The rare, 2,700-year-old seal of Biblical King Jeroboam II’s servant has long been considered a forgery, but new chemical analysis proves the bulla’s authenticity. It’s a very important discovery that provides information about Biblical events and insight into the ancient history of Israel. The inscribed clay, known as a bulla, […]

Why Was The Face Of Mysterious Ust-Taseyevsky Stone Idol Suddenly Changed?

Jan Bartek – – In Siberia, there are many interesting stone idols that provide us with valuable history of events taking place in this region of the world. One of the most fascinating statues is the 2,400-year-old Ust-Taseyevsky stone idol that remains shrouded in a veil of mystery. This stone statue raises several questions […]

New Trove Of Treasures, Funerary Temple, 50 Sarcophagi Unearthed In Saqqara, Cairo

Conny Waters – –  The Egyptian mission working in the Saqqara archaeological site next to the pyramid of King Teti, the first king of the Sixth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, announced important archaeological discoveries dating back to the old and New Kingdoms. A view of the newly discovered tomb of ‘Wahtye’ which dates […]