Stunning Facial Reconstruction Of ‘Siberian Tutankhamun’ And His ‘Queen’ Who Died 2,600 Years Ago

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have made a stunning reconstruction of the faces of the Siberian Tutankhamun and his Queen who died 2,600 years ago. Skeletons of the couple were found some years ago in Arzhan, a site of early Scythian kurgan burials, located in the Tuva Republic, Russia. ‘In front of us, there […]

Popular Tyrant Peisistratos Tricked The Athenians To Seize Power And People Loved Him

Ellen Lloyd – – By modern definition, a tyrant is a cruel and oppressive ruler hated by most people. Peisistratos was a tyrant, but this doesn’t mean he was a bad ruler and was certainly not despised by the people.  On the contrary. He was immensely popular among poorer people because he did not […]

900-Year-Old Coins And Jewelry Unearthed In Polish Village – Could They Belong To A Ruthenian Princess?

Conny Waters – – The medieval treasures including coins and jewelry that could possibly belong to a Ruthenian princess and sister-in-law of 12-century Polish king Bolesław the Wrymouth were discovered in the small village of Słuszków. The 900-year-old riches which include coins and jewellery were discovered in the small village of Słuszków.Insтιтute of Archaeology and […]

Discovered Inscription On Ancient Stone Vessel Reveals Location Of Legendary Tomb Of Chinese Emperor

Jan Bartek – Ancient – Archaeologists have found an ancient stone vessel that reveals the location of a long-lost tomb of a Chinese Emperor in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). Scientists have long speculated the tomb of emperor Liu Zhi who ruled China from 146 to 168 should be located somewhere in the city […]

First Human Culture Lasted 20,000 Years Longer Than Thought – New Study

Conny Waters – – Homo sapiens emerged in Africa around 300 thousand years ago, where their fossils are found with the earliest cultural and technological expressions of our species. The last populations to preserve tool-making traditions first established by the earliest members of our species, lived some 11 thousand years ago, in Africa’s furthest west. […]

Ancient Mystery Of The Tomb Of Tiryns – Burial Place For An Unknown Mycenaean Hero?

Jan Bartek  – – There is an interesting ancient mystery on the west slope of Profitis Ilias Hill on the Cyclades Islands in Greece. At the site, you’ll find a beautiful small chapel dedicated to Profitis Ilias (Prophet Ilias) and a curious ancient tomb built for an unknown Mycenaean hero. As the name suggests, […]

Rare Six-Foot-Tall Female Statue Accidentally Unearthed By Mexican Farmers

Conny Waters – – A six-foot-tall statue of a female figure who may represent an elite woman rather than a goddess, or some mixture of the two, has been accidentally unearthed in a citrus grove near Mexico’s Gulf coast. According to experts, the statue found by Mexican farmers could be a ruler or a […]

Obatala ‘King Of The White Cloth’ And Creation Story Of Yoruba People

A. Sutherland  – – The Yoruba say that the planet Earth was nothing but an enormous expanse of water and marshes in the beginning. Yoruba people have several accounts of the creation story; in some, Obatala created land, humans, and vegetation. Obatala, the great god of creation in Yoruba people’s beliefs. source He is […]

4,000-Year-Old Lunar Calendar Developed At Kokino Megalithic Observatory – Evidence Of Remarkable Astronomical Knowledge

Ellen Lloyd – –  All around the world there are magnificent ancient structures that show our ancestors have always been interested in studying the skies. Our interest in the cosmos is as old as humanity. Archaeological discoveries keep reminding us ancient people possessed more astronomical knowledge than previously thought. Megalithic Observatory Kokino near Kumanovo […]

Is Legendary Norumbega In North America A Lost Viking Settlement?

Ellen Lloyd – – The riddle of Norumbega has never been solved. Maybe there isn’t anything to solve because it’s possible this legendary place never existed. On the other hand, it’s curious that Norumbega suddenly vanished from early maps. Some scholars have suggested that Norumbega could be a lost Viking settlement. Norumbega is today […]