Satellite Images Of 66 New Roman Army Sites Show More Clues About One Of The Empire’s Most Infamous Conflicts

Jan Bartek – – Remote sensing technology has revealed more about one of the Roman Empire’s most infamous conflicts. The discovery of dozens of new Roman Army sites shows the Roman army had a larger presence in the region than previously thought during the 200-year battle to conquer the Iberian Peninsula. Roman military presence […]

Statue Of Goddess Cybele Looted In The 1960s Returned To Turkey

Conny Waters – – Considered as the symbol and protector of fertility and abundance in pre-historic times, Cybele statue is now displayed in an Istanbul museum. The goddess Cybele, a Phrygian goddess originating in the mythology of ancient Anatolia, Turkey whose worship spread to the cities of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Image […]

Who Was The Mysterious Spitalfields Roman Noblewoman Dressed In Silk Found In A Sarcophagus In London?

Jan Bartek – – Scientists are attempting to unravel the mystery of a Roman noblewoman who was buried in a sarcophagus under London’s Spitalfields market. Who was this woman? Why did she come to London? Her silk clothes, interwoven with fine gold thread made of 97 percent pure gold and coffin suggest she must […]

Ancient Mystery Of The Leo Petroglyphs In Ohio Created By An Unknown Native American Culture

Jan Bartek – – Perched on a ridge near the small village of Leo in Jackson County, Ohio there are curious ancient petroglyphs that remain an unsolved ancient mystery. The sandstone petroglyphs containing 37 images of humans, birds, animal, and human footprints, a fish, a snake, and other figures are a legacy of an […]

Sybil Ludington: Courageous American Girl Who Rode For Independence

A. Sutherland  – – Sybil Ludington (1761 – 1839) was a celebrated hero of the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), also known as the American War of Independence. On the night of April 26, 1777, at the age of 16, Sybil rode to warn militia forces in Putnam County, New York, and Danbury, Connecticut, that […]

Beautiful Legend Of Giant Olentzero Who Brings Christmas Presents To Basque Children

Ellen Lloyd – – Children wait impatiently for Santa Claus to bring them gifts when Christmas approaches. Kids are taught misbehaving children receive coal on Christmas Eve, but those who have been kind will get toys and candy. Basque children await the arrival of Olentzero, the kind Christmas giant who brings them gifts. Credit: […]

Mysterious Etruscan Stone Structures Hidden In The Malano Forest – Evidence Of Ancient Unknown High-Tech Knowledge?

Jan Bartek – –  The Etruscans, one of Europe’s most mysterious ancient peoples, are believed to have migrated from Lydia in modern western Turkey, settling in northern and central Italy nearly 3,000 years ago. The Etruscan civilization founded many cities in Italy and profoundly influenced ancient Roman culture. The Etruscans produced colorful frescoes. This […]

Pythagorean Cup Was A Practical Joke To Punish Greedy Drinkers And It Still Fools People

Conny Waters – – Some ancient scientists had great humor, and one of the world’s best practical jokes comes from Pythagoras, who invented a cup to punish greedy drinkers. It’s a funny and clever ancient invention that has become so popular it can be bought today in many stores. The cup looks like just […]

More Than 27,000 Artifacts Illegally Collected By ‘Expert In Archaeology’ – Seized In France

Conny Waters – – The collector with ‘advanced archaeological knowledge’ used metal detectors to illegally build his own collection of valuable artifacts by secretly looting various sites in eastern France. Image credit – Yahoo French officials have seized more than 27,000 archaeological artifacts ranging from Bronze Age bracelets to Roman coins, of which many […]

How Did Vikings Celebrate Yule – The Winter Solstice?

Ellen Lloyd – – Did you know that Nordic people celebrated a festival similar to Christmas long before they became Christian? Of course, Norse Yule was not the same as our Christmas festival, but there are many similarities between these two traditions. This is simply because most enduring Christmas traditions grew from adapting existing […]