Ancient Circular Mound Villages Hidden In The Amazon Jungle Represent Native American Cosmos – New LIDAR Discovery

Jan Bartek – – In archaeological and historical terms one can say with certainty the Amazon Jungle still has lots to reveal. It is estimated there are up to roughly 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, half of whom live in the Amazon rainforest.  Some of these tribes have seen glimpses of our modern society, and […]

Surprising Connection Between Norse God Odin And Attila The Hun Revealed

Ellen Lloyd – – The theory suggesting that Norse God Odin can be somehow connected to Attila the Hun may seem far-fetched when you hear about it for the first time. What can Odin, who was worshipped in Scandinavia, have in common with the leader of the Huns, a nomadic tribe from Central Asia? […]

1,700-Year-Old Depiction Of A Hydraulic Water Wheel On A Roman Mosaic – Analyzed

Conny Waters – – Researchers from the University of Warsaw have studied the oldest representation of a hydraulic water wheel on a Roman mosaic. The mosaic is about 1700 years old and comes from Apamea (in present-day Syria). The Great Colonnade at Apamea. source Apamea, located on the right bank of the Orontes River, was […]

Treasure Hoard Of Rare Gold Coins From The Crusader Conquest Discovered In Caesarea, Israel

Jan Bartek – – A marvelous hidden treasure consisting of rare gold coins and a 900-year-old gold earring has been unearthed at the port of Caesarea in Israel. Once archaeologists saw the hoard it was clear this was no ordinary archaeological discovery. The ancient gold coins are very rare. In fact, they are so […]

Ennion: Ancient Master Of Glᴀssblowing And His Legacy

A. Sutherland  – – Among the earliest workshops that designed and created mold-blown glᴀss was the one that belonged to Ennion, but even before him, there were other glᴀssblowers. Glᴀss hexagonal amphoriskos dated to 1st half of 1st century AD. Signed by Ennion. source The earliest evidence of glᴀssblowing comes from a collection of […]

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Sumerian Artifacts Have Been Stolen From Iraq’s Museums And Archaeological Sites

Jan Bartek – – Though the exact number is unknown, authorities estimate tens or even hundreds of thousands of Sumerian artifacts have been stolen from Iraq’s museums and archaeological sites during the political unrest of the past three decades. The country has called for international help to trace the precious ancient objects, but the […]

Mystery Of The Sandby Borg Mᴀssacre Deepens – Unexplained Disappearance Of Women

Ellen Lloyd – – If you travel to the island of Öland in Sweden, many locals will tell you they still avoid going near Sandby Borg. It’s not because they are afraid or supersтιтious. Their reluctance to visit the place has its roots in the site’s horrible history. People do not know exactly what […]

2,000-Year-Old Statue Of Priest’s Head Excavated In Laodicea On The Lycus

Conny Waters – – A statue of a priest’s head, which is believed to be 2,000 years old, has been discovered during the ongoing excavation and restoration works in the ancient city of Laodicea, once a major hub of Christianity. The Laodicean Church was one of the Seven Churches of Asia mentioned in the Bible. […]

Never-Before-Seen Amazon Rock Art Reveal People Lived With Giant Ice Age Animals

Jan Bartek – – Thousands of never-before-seen rock art carvings have been discovered in the Amazon Forest. These pictures are very interesting because they are among the oldest depictions of people interacting with now-extinct giant Ice Age animals. A science team uncovered the historical artwork, which is now being called the ‘Sistine Chapel of […]

Mesha Stele: One Of The Most Valuable Biblical Artifacts

A. Sutherland – – Mesha Stele, which is also known as the Moabite Stone, is one of the most valuable Biblical artifacts. It was accidentally discovered among the ruins of Dhiban (Biblical “Dibon,” capital of Moab), 20 miles east of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea, by a German missionary F. A. Klein in 1868. The artifact was […]