Cities Of Bashan Were Built By Ancient Giants – Archaeological Evidence Exists But Is Ignored

Ellen Lloyd – – While many still dispute the existence of ancient giants, some archaeologists are convinced people of superhuman size built several cities in the distant past. Giants are frequently mentioned in myths, legends, and sacred texts, but most modern scholars are reluctant to embrace the idea people much taller than the average […]

A 1,500-Year-Old Holy Well Probably With Healing Water – Discovered In Bulgaria

Conny Waters – – A 1,500-year-old holy well of the Early Christian monastery on the St. Ivan Island was discovered at a depth of almost 5 meters by a team of archaeologists led by Prof. Kazimir Popkonstantinov, an expert in Christian archaeology from Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”. It was built […]

7,000-Year-Old Tepe Ozbaki Mounds Yielded Valuable Relics – But Now The Site Is In Trouble

Conny Waters – – Unfortunately, there is not enough money for the restoration and conservation of one of the most valuable ancient archaeological sites known as the mounds of Tepe Ozbaki (Ozbaki Tappeh), a key Chalcolithic site situated in Alborz province close to the Tehran plains, and some 80 km west of Tehran. Relics […]

Who Has Stolen Charles Darwin’s Notebooks Worth Millions From The University Of Cambridge?

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – –  Cambridge University Library has announced that two notebooks written by Charles Darwin, worth many millions of pounds are missing, believed to have been stolen. Both of these notebooks contain his pioneering ideas on evolution and his famous “Tree of Life” sketch. “We’ve launched a public appeal for help in […]

Childhood Home Of Jesus May Have Been Found Underneath The Sisters Of Nazareth Convent

Ellen Lloyd – – The search for the childhood home of Jesus started many years ago and now there is evidence suggesting it may have been found underneath the Sisters of Nazareth Convent in Nazareth, Israel. Located in the city of Shefa-Amr, Israel, near the famous Church of the Annunciation there is the beautiful structure of the Sisters […]

Unknown Sketch Of Jesus Christ By Leonardo Da Vinci Could Be The Holy Grail Of Art

Jan Bartek – – Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was one of the greatest minds of the Renaissance. His inventions, paintings, and sculptures are today admired by millions, but by now it’s well-known he had many secrets he was unwilling to share with the world. Scientists have found many hidden figures beneath his […]

Faiyum Mummies: Long Lost Secrets Of A Mummy’s Portrait

Conny Waters – – This remarkable painting comes from the second century when Egypt was a Roman province, hence the portraits are more lifelike and less hieroglyphic-like than Egyptian art of previous eras. Known as “Portrait of a Bearded Man,” the painting contained the purple pigment that came from an Egyptian mummy, but it […]

Hidden 15th-Century Text On Medieval Manuscripts – Discovered By Students

Conny Waters – – In medieval times, it was very expensive to make parchments, so leaves were regularly scraped or erased and re-used over and over again. In the process, many valuable writings were lost. Now, students from Rochester Insтιтute of Technology have managed to decipher the lost text on 15th-century manuscript sheets using […]

Humans Survived A Covid-19-Like Pandemic 25,000 Years Ago

Jan Bartek – – Fear, frustration, anger, and sadness are just some of the many emotions we can experience during a pandemic outbreak. How a person handles a pandemic is a psychological question but many of us feel helpless at times, which is understandable. Yet, we mustn’t forget that pandemics have been with us […]

Oldest Known Human-Made Nanostructures Found In Ancient Artifacts In Tamil Nadu

Conny Waters – – Scientists have discovered the oldest known human-made nanomaterials in the “unique black coatings” of ancient pottery shards — dated to 600 BC — unearthed from an archeological site in Keeladi, Tamil Nadu. These are “the oldest nanostructures observed till now,” according to a new study. These coatings are made of […]