Scientist Finds “Evidence” of Another Universe Before This One

Studies suggest that before our universe, another, previous cosmos existed. They refer to this process as a kind of perpetual cosmic cycle.

“The next universe will be just like ours — but only in overall appearance, not in detail, of course…”

It’s possible that a researcher has found concrete proof that there was another universe before this one. In addition, he ᴀsserts that our universe is only the latest in an endless string of universes. In order to explain what was “there” before the Big Bang, Professor Sir Roger Penrose contends that the universe we now understand is the most recent in a long sequence of earlier universes.

Another Universe Before This One

According to Professor Sir Roger Penrose, a former colleague of late Professor Hawking, our universe still carries the scars of the events of our universe’s predecessor, which was destroyed some 14 billion years ago.

Prof Penrose, a researcher from the University of Oxford, is one of the world’s most distinguished theoretical physicists. He ᴀsserts that the data indicates that our universe is only the most recent of an endless sequence of universes, each of which sprung like phoenixes from its predecessor in a Big Bang.

According to accepted scientific theories, the universe and everything in it—stars, planets, and galaxies—came into existence suddenly as a result of peculiar, mostly unknown laws governing the subatomic realm.

When it was initially put forward in the 1970s, the inflation model of the universe’s creation was heralded as a groundbreaking theory. However, as we learn more about the universe and do more study, this idea becomes less and less relevant.

The answer to the question of what existed before our universe is easy, according to a cyclic view of the cosmos: another one.

Prof. Penrose has been researching this theory with colleagues in the US and Poland. They base their ᴀssertions on investigations of radiation left over from the Big Bang, and they think they’ve finally found evidence of universes that may have existed before ours.

This radiation, which is present throughout space as microwaves, was discovered for the first time by astronomers in the middle of the 1960s.

Studies have revealed that this radiation is not distributed uniformly throughout the cosmos, though. The turbulence that existed when our universe was born, according to astronomers, is what caused this distribution discrepancy.

But according to Professor Penrose and his colleagues, this radiation also exhibits regular patterns that may have taken place in an earlier, alternate universe.

Prof. Penrose and his team suggest that our cosmic predecessor may have contained supermᴀssive black holes. Over countless millions of years, these black holes would have devoured all matter in the previous cosmos. 

Countless millions of years after this event, these mᴀssive black holes vanished as well, in bursts of so-called Hawking Radiation.

Reference(s): Research paper

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