Pharaoh Ramses II’s Sarcophagus On Display For The First Time In 50 Years

Jan Bartek – – For the first time in nearly 50 years, the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Ramses II will go on display and can be admired by the public. “The long-awaited and dazzling exhibition dedicated to one of Egyptian most important ancient kings, Ramses II, has made its way to Paris, where it has […]

Abu Simbel – Spectacular Ancient Egyptian Temples Unique In Design And Size

Angela Sutherland  – – Many spectacular structures of antiquity, such as the pyramids, temples of Luxor and Karnak, Ramesseum, Abu Simbel, and others, attest to ancient Egypt’s superior civilization. Abu Simbel – Image credit: Angel Aroca Escámez – CC BY-SA 3.0 One of them is Abu Simbel, now an archaeological site located in Muhafaz Aswan, on the […]

How Ramesses II Became The Greatest Pharaoh In Egypt

Ellen Lloyd – – Having a high opinion of himself and believing he was destined to become a great ruler, Pharaoh Ramesses II wanted the world to remember him long after his death. His wish was fulfilled, and Ramesses II is today widely recognized as the greatest and most powerful Pharaoh in the history […]

Magnificent Solar Alignment Phenomenon In Abu Simbel – The Sun Illuminates The Face Of Pharaoh Ramses II

Ellen Lloyd – –  If Ramses the Great, the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, was alive today, he would be proud to see how many people come to admire the magnificent solar alignment in Abu Simbel causing the Sun to illuminate the face of his giant statue. This amazing solar alignment […]