King Tabnit’s Sarcophagus And Its Surprising Forever-Lost Secret

Ellen Lloyd – – The sarcophagus of Tabnit was unearthed in 1847. At first glance, it appeared as an ordinary ancient sarcophagus, but the inscription came with a warning. When the workers opened the ancient coffin, they understood this was an unusual archaeological discovery. Who Was King Tabnit? Tabnit was the Phoenician King of […]

Egyptian ‘Golden Boy’ Mummy Was Protected By 49 Precious Amulets On His Journey To The Afterlife – CT Scans Reveal

Conny Waters – – The ancient Egyptians believed that when we died, our spiritual body sought out an afterlife similar to this world. But entry into this afterlife wasn’t guaranteed; it first required a perilous journey through the underworld, followed by an individual last judgment. The Egyptian mummy Golden Boy. Credit: SN Saleem, SA […]

16 Meters Long Ancient Papyrus With Spells From The Book Of The ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Found In Saqqara

Jan Bartek – – For the first time in a century, archaeologists excavating in Egypt have discovered a 16 meters long ancient papyrus in the Saqqara area. Upon discovery of the ancient scroll, scientists thought it measured only nine meters, but once it was restored and fully translated, it was obvious it measured 16 […]

A Stone Age Child Buried With Bird Feathers, Plant Fibers And Fur Investigated In Finland

Conny Waters – – A Stone Age burial site was carried out in Majoonsuo, located in the municipality of Outokumpu in Eastern Finland. This exceptional excavation produced microscopically small fragments of bird feathers, canine and small mammalian hairs, and plant fibers. An artist’s impression of the child buried in Majoonsuo during their life. Credit: […]

Irkalla – Underworld With No Return Ruled By Ereshkigal, Granddaughter Of Enlil And Sister Of Inanna

A. Sutherland – – In Babylonian mythology, Irkalla was the underworld from which there was no return. The realm of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ or the lower world was also called Arali, Kur, Kigal, and Gizal. There were two traditions explaining how humans entered the netherworld. According to one, the road to the underworld pᴀssed through […]

1,500-Year-Old Joint Burial Offers A Look Into Atтιтudes Toward Love And The Afterlife

Jan Bartek – – On the left side of the grave, the male skeleton lays with one arm outstretched, holding the abdomen of the female skeleton by its side. The woman’s face is pressed into his shoulder, left hand resting across his waist; on her fourth finger is a simple silver ring. The postures […]

Never-Ending Battles Between God Ra And Indestructible Apophis In Ancient Egyptian Beliefs

A. Sutherland – – Unlike mythologies from other ancient cultures, Egyptian mythology does not have many terrible creatures. The most frightening monster was a gigantic and evil snake, Apophis (in Greek), while in Egypt, it was known as Apep.  Apophis in the tomb of Ramesses III.  Credit: Adobe Stock – Vermeulen-Perdaen The snake represented […]

Ancient Egyptian Mummies With Golden Tongues Discovered In Alexandria

Jan Bartek – – While excavating at Taposiris Magna temple in Alexandria, Egypt archaeologists unearthed several rock-cut tombs. Inside them were 2,000-year-old mummies who had been given golden tongues so they could speak in the afterlife. Credit: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities “Throughout their history, the ancient Egyptians believed in life after death, and that […]

Will Archaeologists Uncover The Secrets Of A Rare Viking Ship Grave In Norway Before It’s Destroyed?

Jan Bartek – – It’s a race against time and there isn’t much time left to uncover the secrets of a rare Norwegian Viking ship burial before it’s destroyed. Many questions must be answered, and artifacts must be saved. Who is buried here? Under which ritual? What is left of the burial offerings, and […]