First Roman Military Amphitheater Unearthed Near Megiddo
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The first known Roman military amphitheater has been discovered by archaeologists excavating at the base of the Legio VI Ferrata Roman Legion near Megiddo (known as Legio) in the Southern Levant. It’s a significant archaeological discovery because it gives a deeper insight into the importance of Roman military amphitheaters. While […]

Huge Gallo-Roman Amphitheater Of Saintes Will Be Saved For Future Generations – New Project Started
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Constructed in the 1st century, around 40 A.D. during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius, the huge amphitheater of Saintes in France, could accommodate around 15,000 spectators. This magnificent ancient structure is the largest of western Roman Gaul buildings and the pride of the city of Saintes that before the […]