What Can Monument 9 Reveal About The Mysterious Olmec Civilization?

What Can Monument 9 Reveal About The Mysterious Olmec Civilization?

AncientPages.com – Aztec and Maya civilizations are household names – but it’s the Olmecs who are the ‘mother culture’ of ancient Mesoamerica. Jade Olmec warriors mask from Tabasco (Mexico). Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels (Belgium). Credit: Michel Wal – CC BY-SA 3.0s An extremely important 1-ton sculpture, sometimes referred to by archaeologists as an […]

According to a new study, ancient hand and footprints made deliberately which they argue represent art. Crdit: Gabriel Ugueto

Child’s Play: Are Tibetan Hand And Foot Traces The Earliest Example Of Parietal Art?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – An international team describes ancient hand and footprints made deliberately which they argue represent art. Hand shapes are commonly found in prehistoric caves, usually, the hand is used as a stencil with pigment spread around the edge of the hand. The caves at Sulawesi (Indonesia) or at El Castillo (Spain) have […]