What is left of the remains of Cuicuilco city is buried and preserved in the lava flow. But one pyramid, a circular pyramid showing designs of an agricultural system, was preserved, with the lava flow flowing around it. In the 1990s, archeological digs at and around this site brought about a better understanding of the location and discovery of the buried city of Cuicuilco. What was the most important find was charcoal samples found under the layer of lava. Image credit: Siebe, 2000

Cuicuilco Circular Pyramid: Ancient Astronomical Observatory And Place Of Power

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Before being destroyed and abandoned in 50 B.C. by a volcanic eruption, Cuicuilco was an important ancient site on the southern shore of Lake Texcoco in the southeastern Valley of Mexico. Today, an entire ancient city is buried beneath the ashes, but one structure survived –  the Cuicuilco circular pyramid. What is […]