Surprising Time Capsule In Antarctica – Evidence Of Toxic Heavy Metal Pollution 800 Years Ago
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – While examining ice cores from Antarctica, scientists found evidence of toxic heavy metal pollution caused by humans, predating the Industrial Revolution by centuries. This surprising time capsule allows scientists and historians to link Earth’s history with that of human societies. Antarctica. Credit: Adobe Stock – Goinyk Human activity, from burning […]

Unknown Ancient World Discovered Beneath East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPages.com – Scientists used satellite data and radio-echo-sounding techniques to map a 32,000 km2 area of land underneath the vast ice sheet. They discovered a landscape that appears to have been formed by rivers at least 14 million years ago and possibly even before the initial growth of the East Antarctic […]

Frequent Fires Struck Antarctica During The Age Of Dinosaurs, 75 Million Years Ago – New Evidence
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPages.com – Paleontologists from Brazil and Chile reveal an important discovery about the past of the most inhospitable continent on Earth, Antarctica. Today covered in snow, in the past, however, the location was not like this. The research, led by Brazilian paleobotanist Dr. Joseline Manfroi, along with her collaborators, proves that […]

Stunning Images Of Shackleton’s Lost Ship Endurance Discovered Off The Coast Of Antarctica
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Anyone who is interested in underwater exploration will be thrilled to see the images of Shackleton’s lost ship Endurance that has been discovered off the coast of Antarctica. Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship was trapped in sea ice before sinking in 1915. Sir Ernest Shackleton (1874 – 1922) is best known […]

Māori Connections To Antarctica May Go As Far Back As 7th Century
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Over the last 200 years, Antarctic narratives have been of those carried out by predominantly European male explorers. However, a research project led by Manaaki Whenua—Landcare Research and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu researchers looked into the connection of Māori with Antarctica to better document and understand the contributions and […]

Ancient Mystery Of A Lost Polar Civilization That Vanished Without A Trace
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Was there once an advanced Polar civilization that suddenly vanished without a trace millions of years ago? Can some perplexing anomalies clearly contradicting traditional theories of humanity’s beginnings offer evidence an unknown culture lived in the coldest parts of the world in remote times when the climatic conditions were different? […]