Fragment Of A Fine Marble Statuette Of Heracles Found In Jezreel Valley, Israel
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – This fragment of a fine marble statuette of Heracles, about half a meter high, that was discovered a few years ago at Horbat Tarbenet in the Jezreel Valley (also known as the Valley of Megiddo) in Israel, not far from Afula. The venerated Greek cult figure Heracles is famed for […]

A 500-Year-Old Funerary Bundle And Pottery Probably Belonging To Ychsma Culture – Unearthed Near Lima, Peru
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists unearthed a 500-year-old funerary bundle and pottery during work on a natural gas line near Lima’s central coastline. The bundle, wrapped in mats and tied with ropes arranged in a geometric pattern, is thought to belong to the Ychsma culture. The tomb contains remains, offerings, and the funerary bundle […]

Who Was Shimon, Whose Name Appears On A 2,000-Year-old Hebrew Inscription?
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – In excavations carried out on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority in the City of David, within the Jerusalem Walls National Park, and funded by the City of David Foundation, a small fragment of a stone tablet was discovered, bearing an inscription that was produced for financial purposes. PH๏τography: Kobi Harati, […]

Oldest Human Made Architectural Plans Detail Mysterious Desert Megastructures
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The oldest scale plans of human made megastructures are reported in the open access journal PLOS ONE on May 17, 2023. The engravings, dated to between 7,000 and 8,000 years old, depict nearby desert kites, vast structures used to trap animals. Landscape of Saudi Arabia where the engravings have been found. […]

Surprising Diversity Of Ethnic Groups In The US Virgin Islands Before Columbus – New Study
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – When Christopher Columbus arrived at the present-day US Virgin Islands on his second voyage across the Atlantic in 1493, the islands were already inhabited—but how and when the islands of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas were originally populated remains uncertain. Source Now, a research team present a chemically-based […]

Unique Statue Of Mayan God K’awiil ᴀssociated With Lightning, Serpents, Fertility, Maize, Royal Lineage Found On Maya Train Route
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists performing rescue work on section 7 of the Maya Train route have accidentally discovered a unique stone sculpture of the Mayan god K’awil. This deity is ᴀssociated with lightning, serpents, fertility, maize, abundance, and royal lineage. The three-dimensional depiction of the Mayan god K’awiil, uncovered during an archeological rescue […]

Bronze Age Long-Distance Connections: Baltic Amber In Aššur
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – In 1914, two beads were found under the great ziggurat of Aššur in Iraq, in a foundation deposit dating from around 1800-1750 BC. Their material has now been identified as amber using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The beads represent some of the earliest amber specimens in southwest Asia and […]

Relics Dated To Byzantine And Late Period Unearthed In Meir Necropolis In ᴀssiut, Upper Egypt
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – An Egyptian team of archaeologists has discovered a collection of structure relics dated to the Byzantine and Late Period in Meir Necropolis in the ᴀssiut governorate. Image credit: Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities – via Ahram Online The remains of the structures were found on two levels, with the […]

Underground Hellenistic Necropolis With Tombs With Frescoes, Reliefs Unearthed In Naples, Italy
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The underground of the city of Naples has no doubt many undiscovered secrets. The remains of the ancient necropolis of Neapolis- located about 10 m below the current street level at the Health District – represent one of them. The Greeks built it between the end of the fourth and the […]

Copper Artifacts Reveal Changing Connections In Prehistoric Europe
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The geochemistry of copper artifacts reveals changes in distribution networks across prehistoric Europe, according to a study published May 10, 2023, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Jan Piet Brozio of Kiel University, Germany, and colleagues. Copper axe from Frömkenberg (Germany) in the Scanning Electron Microscope of the Insтιтute […]