Mummified Crocodiles Provide Insights Into Mummy-Making Over Time
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Crocodiles were mummified in a unique way at the Egyptian site of Qubbat al-Hawa during the 5th Century BC, according to a study published January 18, 2023 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Bea De Cupere of the Royal Belgian Insтιтute of Natural Sciences, Belgium, and the University of […]

Archaic Temple (Part Of God Poseidon’s Sanctuary) At The Kleidi-Samikon Site In Greece – Unearthed
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The ancient Greek historian Strabo referred to the presence of an important shrine located on the west coast of the Peloponnese some 2,000 years ago. Now, remains of an Archaic temple (most likely once formed part of the sanctuary of the god Poseidon) have been unearthed at the Kleidi-Samikon site, an […]

Kadıkalesi Castle Ancient Ruins: Female Skeleton Unearthed At An Archaeological Dig
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Kadikalesi Castle is situated on a low mound, in the town of Sogucak, in the province of Aydin in Turkey. The mound, on which the castle was built, was in the area, constantly inhabited since the Early Bronze Age. Kadi Castle/Ancient City Anaia. Kadıkalesi/Anaia Tumulus was a settlement area from […]

Skeletal Remains Of A 1,500-Year-Old Byzantine Ascetic Monk, Chained In Iron Rings – Uncovered Near Jerusalem
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The skeleton of a 1500-year-old Byzantine monk, chained in iron rings, was uncovered in a recent excavation near Jerusalem in 2017. No doubt, he wanted to achieve a very special goal and he indeed did it. However, he was not the only one. This most extreme practice was widely known […]

Ancient Cotton Fibers Dating Back 7,000 Years Discovered In NE Israel
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Ancient cotton fibers dating back 7,000 years, have been discovered by Israeli researchers, at the northern University of Haifa (UH during archaeological excavations at Tel Tsaf southeast of Beit She’an Valley close to the Jordanian border and north of the West Bank. Tel Tsaf – is located in the Northern […]

Were Owl-Shaped Plaques Children’s Toys In Copper Age?
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com -Ancient owl-shaped slate engraved plaques, dating from about 5,000 years ago in the Iberian Peninsula, may have been created by children as toys. About 4,000 engraved slate plaques resembling owls—with two engraved circles for eyes and a body outlined below and dating from the Copper Age between 5,500 and 4,750 years ago—have […]

Solving The Mystery Of Westminster Abbey’s Lost Chapel And Disemboweled Saint – New Evidence
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – New evidence, helping to form a 15th-century reconstruction of part of Westminster Abbey, demonstrates how a section of the building was once the focus for the royal family’s devotion to the cult of a disemboweled saint and likely contained gruesome images of his martyrdom. How the east end of the […]

The 2,400-Year-Old Figurine Of Charon -The Ferryman Of The ᴅᴇᴀᴅ – On Display In Izmir, Turkiye
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – In the beliefs of ancient Greeks, there is a well-known myth of Hades, a shadowy place where the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ lived. The deceased entered Hades with the help of Charon, the ferryman and a psychopomp of Hades whose duty was to carry ᴅᴇᴀᴅ souls across Acheron and Styx, the rivers that divided […]

Enchanted Ancient Egyptian Amulet Seal Discovered In Türkiye’s Amasra
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – An enchanted Egyptian amulet and other historical remains believed to originate in the Roman period, have been discovered by archaeologists excavating ruins of the ancient city of Amastris in the northern Türkiye’s Bartın. An ancient amulet seal thought to be of Egyptian origin, discovered in Amasra, Bartın, Türkiye, Nov. 9, […]

How Human Ancestors Used Fire – New Methods Give Answers
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The use of fire can tell us a lot about human evolution. Archaeologist Femke Reidsma has developed a more accurate technique to identify how our ancestors used fire, implying that existing archaeological studies may need to be revised. Reidsma’s study was published in Scientific Reports on November 2. Overview of […]