Drought Encouraged Attila’s Huns To Attack The Roman Empire – New Study
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Hunnic peoples migrated westward across Eurasia, switched between farming and herding, and became violent raiders in response to severe drought in the Danube frontier provinces of the Roman empire, a new study argues. Hungary has just experienced its driest summer since meteorological measurements began, devastating the country’s usually productive farmland. […]
Surprising Connection Between Norse God Odin And Attila The Hun Revealed
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – The theory suggesting that Norse God Odin can be somehow connected to Attila the Hun may seem far-fetched when you hear about it for the first time. What can Odin, who was worshipped in Scandinavia, have in common with the leader of the Huns, a nomadic tribe from Central Asia? […]