Fascinating Ancient History Of Fingerprints

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Fingerprints have been a source of people’s great fascination and can be traced back to ancient times. Handprints and fingerprints made by W. J. Herschel. Public Domain It is not easy today to establish whether the fingerprints were placed on the artifacts, walls, and documents intentionally or coincidentally. The earliest […]

Discovered 3,700-Year-Old Clay Tablet Shows Babylonians Used Geometry Long Before Pythagoras

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Scientists have once again found proof our ancestors were more sophisticated than previously thought. There is much to learn from cuneiform tablets, or of the earliest systems of writing invented by the Sumerians, but one has to know what to look for. Sometimes, what you search for is hiding in […]