Underwater Drone Images Reveal Oldest Human-Made Structure In The Baltic Sea
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – While conducting a mineral survey on the Baltic Sea floor, scientists stumbled upon an unanticipated discovery that provided evidence of early European hunting techniques. Their acoustic imaging technology unveiled a submerged stone wall that extended nearly a kilometer in length. Further exploration using underwater drones revealed that this wall was […]

Unique Discovery – 2,000-Year-Old Roman Coins Found On Gotska Sandön In Sweden
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Ancient Roman coins have previously been discovered on Gotland in Sweden. However, coming across similar ancient items on the deserted island of Gotska Sandön does not happen often. It’s a unique discovery due to the location. These ancient Roman coins were found on the Gotska Sandön in Sweden. Credit: Södertörn […]