Oldest Known Spearthrowers Found At 31,000-Year-Old Archaeological Site Of Maisières-Canal

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The hunter-gatherers who settled on the banks of the Haine, a river in southern Belgium, 31,000 years ago were already using spearthrowers to hunt their game. This is the finding of a new study conducted at TraceoLab at the University of Liège. The material found at the archaeological site of […]

Piece Of Puzzling Roman Artifact Discovered In Belgium

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  In Kortessem, Belgium,  a metal detectorist has found a fragment of a puzzling Roman artifact. The finder reported his mysterious object to the Onroerend Erfgoed agency, which has thoroughly investigated the rare find that was part of a Roman dodecahedron. Patrick Schuermans is an experienced hobby archaeologist who has been […]

Medieval Bollock Dagger – Also Known As Kidney Dagger Discovered In Belgium

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Ancient people were certainly creative and able to produce weapons in different shapes. This Medieval kidney dagger has been unearthed in Belgium. While excavating near St Martin’s Cathedral in the city of Ypres, archaeologists came across many ancient artifacts, such as this dagger. It was found in the same area […]