Echidna – Mother Of All Monsters – A Cave-Dwelling Female Hybrid Creature In Greek Mythology

A. Sutherland  – – In Graeco-Roman tradition, Echidna is a hybrid creature, a gigantic half-woman, and half snake. As a tall, full of charm, and beautiful woman from the waist below, she was a hideous serpent. Echidna. Parco dei Mostri – Bomarzo, Italy. Image credit: Daderot – Public Domain In other words – Echidna […]

Bellerophon: Great Hero Of Homer’s Iliad Who Was Punished By Gods For His Pride And Arrogance

Angela Sutherland  – – In Greek mythology, Bellerophon was the son of the mortal Eurynome (Eurymede) and Glaucus, the son of Sisyphus and King of Corinth. Still, to many of us, he is, first of all, known as the hero of Homer’s Iliad. Bellerophon was beautiful and handsome as a god and equal to immortal beings in courage. […]