Amazing Discovery Of A 265-Million-Year-Old Fossil Reveals Huge Predator Roamed South America Before The Dinosuars

Jan Bartek – – Dinosaurs have quite the reputation for being the largest, fiercest predators in life’s history. Yet, 40 million years before dinosaurs ruled, Pampaphoneus biccai dominated South America as the biggest and most bloodthirsty meat eater of its time. In a new study published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, an […]

DNA Of 10,000-Year-Old Luzio Solves The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Sambaqui Builders

Jan Bartek – – A new DNA study reveals that Luzio, the oldest human skeleton found in São Paulo state (Brazil), was a descendant of the ancestral population that settled the Americas at least 16,000 years ago and gave rise to all present-day Indigenous peoples, such as the Tupi. Based on the largest set […]

Long-Lost Paleontological Site With More Than 100 Unique Fossils Re-Discovered In Brazil

Jan Bartek – – Paleontologists from three universities in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, found a fossiliferous site lost for more than 70 years near the city of Dom Pedrito, the heart of the Campanha region and a city that borders Uruguay. About 260 million years ago, even before the first dinosaurs, the ideal […]

Mysterious Underground City In Brazil Could Re-Write Ancient History – Unexplained Artifacts And Skeletons – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – It does not happen often, but scientists stumble upon something that is almost stranger than fiction every now and then. Many years ago, researchers excavating in Brazil discovered mysterious, ancient underground ruins. When they entered the narrow tunnels, they reached an enigmatic subterranean city where peculiar artifacts and unusual skeletons […]