Rare 2,500-Year-Old Scythian Bone Sceptre Discovered In Bulgaria

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A rare 2,500-year-old Scythian bone sceptre has been found in a grave by archaeologists excavating in the prehistoric salt mining and urban center “Provadia – Solnitsata” in Northeast Bulgaria. Credit: Danail Voikov/BTA  “The prehistoric complex of Provadia-Solnitsata, located near the modern town of Provadia, hosts the remains of the oldest […]

What Can The 3D Reconstruction Of The Principia At Novae Reveal About Roman Propaganda?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  Scientists have created an impressive 3D reconstruction of Principia, the legionary fortress in Novae (Bulgaria). By restoring inscribed monuments from the site in the 3D model, the research team has uncovered how the Roman army utilized religion to spread propaganda. Founded sometime after the mid-first century A.D., Novae was initially […]

Script On Gradeshnitsa Tablets May Pre-Date Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Can the nearly 7,000-year-old Gradeshnitsa Tablets offer evidence of one of the world’s oldest human writing? Are the carved signs and symbols on the tablets merely decorations or an unknown ancient language? Monument for the Neolithic Tărtăria tablets , dated to 5500-5300 BC and discovered in 1961 at Tărtăria , Alba County, Romania by the archaeologist Nicolae […]

Magnificent Ancient Artifacts Found In Bulgaria Last Year Go On Display

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Bulgaria, situated in southeastern Europe on the Black Sea, has a long, fascinating history and a rich culture. It is one of the oldest countires in Europe and a treasure trove to archaeologists and historians. Unfortunately, archaeological excavations last year were somewhat less successful than hoped because the session for […]

Lesicheri Obelisk – Enigmatic Ancient Roman Structure – Bulgaria’s Tallest Surviving Landmark

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – A remarkable landmark, a surviving 14-meter ancient Roman Obelisk is located near the Veliko Tarnovo district village of Lessicheri in the North-Central region of Bulgaria.  The Lesicheri pillar and the ruins of the second one (after Kanitz 1882, 5, engraving # 2). The Lesicheri Pillar and the Transfer of Funerary […]

6,000-Year-Old Submerged Settlement Shows Black Sea Level Was Lower 5,000 Years Ago – ‘Black Sea Deluge’ Theory?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A submerged prehistoric settlement on the Black Sea coast, has been discovered by underwater archaeologists. The settlement was inhabited around 1,000 years earlier (going back to the Chalcolithic (Copper Age) than previously believed, and is located near the mouth of the Ropotamo River in Burgas District, Bulgaria. Archaeological materials discovered […]