Beautiful Neolithic Ornate Necklace With Over 2,500 Stones Found In A Child’s Grave

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have discovered a Neolithic ornate necklace in a child’s grave in Jordan. According to a new study, this single accessory provides new insights into the social complexity of Neolithic culture. Body adornments are powerful symbols that communicate cultural values and personal idenтιтies, and they are, therefore highly valuable in […]

Ancient Mystery Of Leti – A Homo Naledi Child Of Darkness Discovered In The Rising Star Cave System

Jan Bartek – – An international team of researchers, led by Professor Lee Berger from Wits University, has revealed the first partial skull of a Homo naledi child that was found in the remote depths of the Rising Star Cave in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site near Johannesburg, South Africa. Describing the […]