Oh, Whistle, And I’ll Come To You, My Lad – A Christmas Ghost Story

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – No Christmas is complete without a ghost story. Our fascination with ghostly tales around Christmas time goes back thousands of years and is rooted in ancient celebrations of the winter solstice. One of the most famous ghost stories we read or watch on television is A Christmas Carol by Charles […]

Tomte – A Beloved Scandinavian Christmas Gnome

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Shortly before Christmas, you can see this little fellow everywhere in Scandinavia. He appears on Christmas cards, in shops, the Christmas tree, outdoors, and places where you wouldn’t expect to find him. Tomtenisse protects animals, and he is happy when you serve him Christmas porridge.  Artist Jan Bergerlind – Image source […]

Beware Of The Shapeshifting Gaelic Bodach Who May Be Difficult To Trick

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com –  When darkness falls and the days get colder, we gather around the fireplace to embrace the warmth. In the old days, when there were no radiators, the chimney was a treasure that helped survive cold winters. Folklore stories tell the chimney was appreciated and feared because it is also home […]

How Did Vikings Celebrate Yule – The Winter Solstice?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Did you know that Nordic people celebrated a festival similar to Christmas long before they became Christian? Of course, Norse Yule was not the same as our Christmas festival, but there are many similarities between these two traditions. This is simply because most enduring Christmas traditions grew from adapting existing […]