Justinianic Plague Struck England Before It Reached Constantinople And It Did Not Wipe Out The Roman Empire

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – ‘Plague sceptics’ are wrong to underestimate the devastating impact that bubonic plague had in the 6th– 8th centuries CE, argues a new study based on ancient texts and recent genetic discoveries. The same study suggests that bubonic plague may have reached England before its first recorded case in the Mediterranean via […]

The 426-Km-Long Roman Aqueduct Provided Water For Constantinople – New Study

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Scientists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) investigated the longest aqueduct of the time, the 426-kilometer-long Aqueduct of Valens supplying Constantinople, and revealed new insights into how this structure was maintained back in time. Aqueducts are very impressive examples of the art of construction in the Roman Empire. The two-story […]

Strange Prophecy Of Oleg Of Novgorod’s Death – Where Is Russia’s Viking Ruler Buried?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – When a strange prophecy is fulfilled, we can either call it a coincidence or simply say we believe it’s possible to predict future events. Coincidences do happen. We all know that, but the puzzling death of Russia’s first Viking ruler Oleg Of Novgorod seems to show it’s impossible to avoid […]