Amazing Adventures Of Örvar-Oddr And Encounter With The Mysterious Ögmundr Flóki
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – A frightening prophecy, battle with dangerous sea monsters, heroic deeds, and strange encounters with a shape-shifting troll are just some of the many adventures mentioned in the Örvar-Odds saga. Written in the 13th century by an anonymous Icelander Örvar-Odds Saga relates the life and death of legendary hero Örvar-Oddr, who […]

Chilling Story Of Glamr Who Became A Draugr, A Living ᴅᴇᴀᴅ – Scary Yule Haunting
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Do you have the courage to challenge supernatural forces? If you decide to do so, remember it will be your own doing. One man named Glamr was overconfident. Considering himself invincible and untouchable, he thought he could do whatever pleased him and get away with it, but it was a […]