Opium Residue Discovered In 3,500-Year-Old Pottery Offers Evidence The Drug Was Used In Ancient Burial Rituals

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists have once again found people have used evidence opium for thousands of years. While examining several Late Bronze Age graves in the central Israeli town of Yehud, archaeologists found 3,500-year-old pottery containing opium residue. According to researchers, this discovery supports the theory that the hallucinogenic drug was used in ancient […]

Ancient Maya Drug Containers – Scientists Identified What’s Inside

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – For the first time, Washington State University researchers have identified the presence of a non-tobacco plant in ancient Maya drug containers. The team detected Mexican marigold (Tagetes lucida) in residues taken from 14 miniature Maya ceramic vessels. Frontal and lateral view of a Muna-type (AD 750-900) paneled flask with distinctive serrated-edge […]